
Game written in Go, shoot Zombies with Mathematics

Primary LanguageGo

No-Brain Jogging


This is a port of my entry for the Ludum Dare 41 game jam to the pixel game engine. The theme was: "Combine two Incompatible Genres".

My two genres are:

  • 2D side-scrolling zombie shooter
  • educational math game / brain jogging

In this game you solve math calculations to shoot your rifle and kill some zombies. Kill as many as you can before they eat your brains.

The original version was written using my prototype library. This is a rewrite using faiface's pixel game library and beep audio library. I wanted to try out these libraries because I intend to use them for the next Ludum Dare game jam.

Build Instructions

This game uses pixel and beep so please see their instructions for prerequisites to build these depedencies. Once you have set them up, you can simply do:

go get github.com/gonutz/no-brain-jogging

Navigate to the no-brain-jogging directory and run:

go build

which will create the executable.