

  • You must first install warden https://docs.warden.dev/installing.html
  • Create a directory
  • Copy the installmagento python script to this directory
  • Copy the installmagento.sh script to the ~/.warden

Pre use

  • Warden will use you .composer/auth.json so put your marketplace credentials
  • the warden container must be running, so run warden svc up

Create a new magento2 container

  • go the created directory that contain the installmagento python scrip
  • run ./installmagento --domain=yourdomain --magento-version=2.4.4 (you can use any version of magento2)
  • go to the directory yourdomain
  • on this directory run warden shell
  • after this command you are on an ssh in your magento container
  • on this ssh run ./installmagento.sh this will install your magento with sample data
  • once the script ends, you can open your broswer and point to https://app.yourdomain.test
  • the admin url is https://app.yourdomain.test/demoadmin and the user/pass is admin/q1w2e3r4

Manage your magento container

  • to start your container, go the directory of your domain and run warden env up
  • to stop your container, go the directory of your domain and run warden env stop
  • to end and delete your container, go the directory of your domain and run warden env down -v