
Repos of code used in my JSDayES 2018 talk about JS, Chess and AI

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Source code of my JSDayES talk about AI and Chess

You can find the slides of the talk here: https://slides.com/gruizdevilla/chess-ai-with-javascript/

What you've just checkout is the final version of the code. If you want to replay, checkout the tag base_for_exercise.

You can replay the talk, advancing commit by commit from base_for_exercise.

All the code has to be implemented in main.js.

The files included in the project are the following:

  • index.html: where you can see everything happening
  • main.css: few custom styles
  • main.js: where you should code everything
  • js\chess.js: Chess.js library. Game engine
  • js\chessboard.js: Library to draw the chessboard on screen
  • js\jquery.js: dependency of chessboard.js
  • js\tfjs.js: TensorFlow.js
  • js\labels.js: Labels of all available movements in Chess for DNN model
  • js\boardstate.js: function that converts FEN string to an array for the DNN model.
  • models\chess-model-1.json: Tensorflow model that predicts next best move for a chessboard.
  • models\chess-model-1.weights.json: Tensorflow weights for the previous model.

Some tips for the different steps


Constructor receives two parameters:

  • fist one is the id of the HTML element where the chessboard is going to be drawn
  • for the second one use the string "start" or the next config object, and then implement:
let config = {
    draggable: true,
    position: 'start',

It is very easy to get a certain square because all the squares had a class like square-b4, being b4 the square coordinates.


These methods can be useful:

  • moves([options]): returns a list of legal moves from the current position. Options is optional and the attributes are: square to limit to movements of the piece in that square, and verbose, a boolean to indicate if you want FEN notation of movement or an object with {from,to}
  • move(move): to apply a move. returns null if movement is not valid. Accepts string or object (like the ones returned by moves)
  • undo(): undoes the last move
  • history(): returns a list containing the moves of the current game
  • fen(): returns the FEN string for the current position
  • game_over(): returns true if the game has ended via checkmate, stalemate, draw, threefold repetition, or insufficient material.


  • getBoardState(fenStr): given a FEN string, returns the array that should be used with the TFJS model.


  • tf.loadModel(modelUrl): loads the model and it's weights. Needs only the model url.
  • model.predict(tensor): make a prediction
  • tf.tensor4d(arr, [numBoards, 8,8,8]): the model has 888 (board size * 8 features)
  • tf.argMax(arr): return a tensor with a scalar of the position with the hightest value of the array