Wallet Dashboard


Wallet Dashboard is a generic platform that provides analytics and information on Ethereum wallets. It allows users to perform various wallet-related operations, including adding wallets, organizing them by favorites, checking if a wallet is old, and integrating with Etherscan to fetch wallet information.

Actual functionality

  • Add wallet addresses.
  • Organize wallets by marking them as favorites.
  • Determine if a wallet is considered old based on specific criteria.
  • Integration with Etherscan to retrieve wallet information.

Technologies Used

  • TypeScript
  • TurboRepo
  • NestJS
  • PostgreSQL
  • Prisma
  • React
  • Next.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • React-Redux
  • RESTful API for endpoints
  • Docker

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the required dependencies using npm.
  3. Configure your environment variables, including database settings and API keys.
  4. Start PostgreSQL Container npm run db:up
  5. Initialize Prisma Database in apps/api
    1. npx prisma migrate dev
    2. npx prisma db:seed
  6. Run the application locally using npm run dev.

Future Improvements

  • Select a wallet and view its balance in Euro/US Dollar.
  • Change the rate Euro/US Dollar/ETH
  • Secure endpoints with JWT authentication.
  • Generate comprehensive API documentation.
  • Implement tests for both the backend and frontend.
  • Set up GitHub workflows for automated CI/CD.