
A light-weight scaffolding tool. Gives you just the basics.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A light-weight scaffolding tool. Gives you just the basics. The API is broken into two parts: questions & files.

Data Objects


The question structure has the following attributes available:

  • allowBlank: if truthy, will allow blank answers
  • name (required): an ID, unique to the set of questions
  • question: the string prompt to show the user
  • transform: a function to transform the user's input; method signature is transformMethod(value, allAnswers) where allAnswers is the array of answers up until that point.
  • useAnswer: if a question is not provided, this can be provided to use another question's answer. Make sure these questions are at the end of the list of questions!


The files object has the following attributes available:

  • check: a function to see if the file should be created; if omitted or not a Function, it defaults to true.
  • destination (required): the file path to create
  • template: the string to do replacements on; if this is omitted, a blank file will be created. This can also be a file path to a template; if it is, the file will be read and used for replacements.


Templates can be used to give a file scaffolded contents. The syntax for replacements is simple:

        <h1>{{ myHeader }}</h1>

If a question with the name myHeader is asked, its answer will replace {{ myHeader }}. Note that any {{ }} wrapped strings that don't have a matching answer will remain in the processed template!

See the Usage section below.


Pulling in Balsa provides you with an object of methods. They are:

  • ask(questions, files): Ask the array of questions and create the files in the files array, performing any necessary replacements.
  • process(answers, files, overwrite): Process an array of answers and create the files in the files array, performing any necessary replacements. The ask method uses this to process its answered questions. The answers follows the same structure as the answers returned by the ask helper. The last argument (overwrite) will overwrite any existing files.

When files are created, Balsa will create any directories it needs to create. So if you give it a destination of this/is/my/file/path/location.txt it will create every directory (this, is, my, file, path) before creating the file location.txt.


Asking Questions

'use strict';

const balsa = require('balsa');

const questions = [
    { name: 'animal', question: 'Enter an animal:' },
    { name: 'unused', question: 'What\'s your age?' },
    { name: 'animalId', transform: convertSpaces, useAnswer: 'animal' }
const files = [
    { destination: './animal-story.txt', template: 'My favorite animal is a(n) {{ animal }} (id: {{ animalId }})' },
    { destination: './sub/blank-file' }

const convertSpaces = value => {
    return value.replace(/\s/g, '_');

balsa.ask(questions, files);

This will prompt the user with 2 questions:

Enter an animal: Tiger Shark
What's your age? 24

And, given the above answers, produce 1 directory (if needed) and 2 files:


The contents of animal-story.txt will be:

My favorite animal is a(n) Tiger Shark (id: Tiger_Shark)

Extra Helpers


The mechanism used to ask questions is also available to you. To do so just include 'balsa/libs/ask' to your script and use the returned function to ask questions.

The API for ask is:

ask(questions, callback)

The parameter questions is a list of questions and callback is the callback function to use. The callback function gets an answers array back and each answer uses the following data structure:

  • answer: the value the user entered
  • name: the same name as the question the was answered.

An example of usage would be:

'use strict';

const ask = require('balsa/libs/ask');

const questions = [
    { name: 'favoriteFood', question: 'Name your favorite food:' },
    { name: 'drink', question: 'Anything to drink?' },
    { name: 'capsDrink', transform: value => value.toUpperCase(), useAnswer: 'drink' }

ask(questions, answers => {
    console.info(answer[1].name, answers[1].answer);
    console.info(answer[2].name, answers[2].answer);

Would ask the user 2 questions:

Name your favorite food: Chicken tacos
Anything to drink? Mountain Dew

And the callback would output the following:

Chicken tacos
drink Mountain Dew