
Stress testing talc

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Talc Stress Test

This project does a stress test on Talc.


  1. Generating 10_000 markdown files with content from a Loreum Ipsum generator.
    • Words per sentence randomize between 4-16
    • Sentences per paragraph randomize between 4-8
    • Paragraphs per file randomize between 3-20
  2. Run talc over the generated markdown files
    • Have two page types: index.html & post.html
    • Each page imports a header & footer partial
    • index.html also imports the pagelist partial
    • Date format is also specified in talc.config.js

Performance is measure using Node's perf_hooks implementation of the performance API. At each step we mark the time and the performance API calculates the time between two marks when we ask for a measure.


  • [2020-05-23]: 21-25 seconds