
Generate motion profiles to follow with a talon srx.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Motion Profile Generator

Generate Motion Profiles to follow with a Talon SRX.

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Motion Variables

  • Time Step
    • The rate at which the control loop on the RoboRio runs
    • Units are in seconds
  • Velocity
    • The max velocity rate your robot is capable of achieving
  • Acceleration
    • The max acceleration rate your robot is capable of achieving
  • Jerk
    • The rate of change of acceleration; that is, the derivative of acceleration with respect to time
  • Wheel Base Width
    • The distance between your left and right wheels
  • Wheel Base Depth
    • The distance between your front and back wheels
    • Used with the Swerve modifier
  • Drive Base
    • The type of configuration your drive base is using
    • Can be Tank or Swerve
  • Units
    • The unit of measurement used for measuring distance
    • Can be Imperial (ft) or Metric (m)
  • Fit Method
    • The hermitic method for interpolating points from waypoints
    • Can be cubic or quintic


  • All points are relative meaning you do not have to start at 0,0
  • X
    • Forward and Backwards movement of the robot
    • Inrease X to move forwards
    • Decrease X to move backwards
  • Y
    • Left and Right movement of the robot
    • Inrease Y to move left
    • Decrease Y to move right
  • Angle
    • This is the ending angle after the robot reaches the point
    • The first point should always have an angle of Zero
  • Editing existing points
    • Once you have added a point to the list you can double click on it to change it
    • After you have edited the point, the trajectory will be updated

Load Project

  • Motion profile projects are saved in XML format. You can load them to continue editing them by using the "Open" option in. the "File" menu.
  • Projects from the previous version, 2.3.0, can be loaded using "Import" option in the "File" menu.

Export Profile

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  1. Enter the root name for the trajectory as the file name
  2. Choose the type of export you want to save the trajectories as
    • *.csv: Comma Separated Values, human readable
    • *.traj: Binary Trajectory file, not human readable

3-5 trajectories should be exported, depending on the type of drive base you use:

  • Source trajectory: the center trajectory, what is created regardless of the drive base.

  • Tank Drive:

    • Left Trajectory: trajectory for the left side of the drive base.
    • Right Trajectory: trajectory for the right side of the drive base.
  • Swerve Drive:

    • Front-Left Trajectory: trajectory for the front-left motor of the drive base.
    • Front-Right Trajectory: trajectory for the front-right motor of the drive base.
    • Back-Left Trajectory: trajectory for the back-left motor of the drive base.
    • Back-Right Trajectory: trajectory for the back-right motor of the drive base.

Menu Bar

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  • File Menu
    • New: Clears all your waypoints and graphs allowing you to start over
    • Open: Opens a motion profile project (project files are *.xml)
    • Save: Saves to the working project file
    • Save As...: Saves the project to a new file
    • Import...: Imports a project from v2.3.0 .bot file
    • Export...: Exports the trajectory files to a directory
    • Settings...: Change application settings
    • Exit: Exits the application
  • Help Menu
    • Help: Opens a browser window to this github
    • About: Displays a window with information about the app. ie: The app version and the developers


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NOTE: Settings file saved to %user.dir%\.motion-profile-generator\mpg.properties

  • Position graph overlay: 32:27 image to use as an overlay to the position chart

Environment / Build Information

  • You will need the Eclipse IDE with the e(fx)clipse add-on
  • You will also need at least JDK 8
  • Install instructions for e(fx)clipse can be found here


  • Jaci for the path generation code