This application is designed to evaluate subjects through quiz.
The app has a menu bar with differents subjects. Each subject route will show 10 questions retrieved from an API, and the user will answer each one. Each answer will be saved and finally a the results will be showed.
UI -> CSS flex
& react-bootstrap
HTTP client -> axios
to hadle rest API
State management -> redux
& redux thunk
to handle asynchronism.
Routing -> react router
. Two sub-routes per subject, one for the question and other for results. e.g. /history/4 , /math/results
Testing -> jest
& enzyme
Authentication -> Firebase Auth
to sign up, sign in, sign out and get token ID functionalities.
CI -> It's used Husky
in order to execute unit tests and apply the linter before each commit
Documentation -> React Styleguidist
for documenting components
Note: React hooks approach is being used
A rest API was built with Firebase
Cloud Functions (follow this repo)
Dont forget to create a .env.local file with a API url. REACT_APP_FB* are retrieved from firebase project configuration. Format:
REACT_APP_API_URL = http://localhost:8080
REACT_APP_FB_API_KEY = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
REACT_APP_FB_AUTH_DOMAIN = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
REACT_APP_FB_DB_URL = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
REACT_APP_FB_PROJ_ID = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
REACT_APP_FB_STORAGE_BUCKET = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
REACT_APP_FB_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
REACT_APP_FB_APP_ID = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This project was bootstrapped with CRA and template