
A simple tool to decrypt and encrypt claymore's ethash kernels.

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A little tool for decrypting claymore's homegrown encryption that he uses in ethminer (and some other miners.) I'm not exactly sure what this cipher is called, but it's pretty simple. Probably not intended as a super secure means of protecting stuff, but it keeps most of the lamers out.


Even though nobody ever donates:

  • BTC: 3L2S7FHvTHpjzWqvqgaZBAaqsDzWAgFAdP
  • BCH: qq22texutzx4ar4020lmqk0w9vrmvgauc5svtmg6ym
  • ETH: 0x9545144F8e473FcD1FF470ab55EF381D4f990C56
  • LTC: MWwiHTdKfQDerhQ8a5a4mavGmiAZQYWyB1