
Investigations into Azure

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Investigations into Azure

Service Fabric cluster

In the service-fabric folder are a set of scripts and JSON templates for creating a Service Fabric cluster.


  • Powershell 5
  • Azure Resource Manager module (Install-Module AzureRM)

Log in

Log into your Azure account


Create the key vault

cd into the scripts directory

Update the Key Vault cluster JSON template file

  • Open the Azure portal
  • Do a search for Active Directory
  • Find the details for your user and copy the ObjectId into the clipboard
  • Open az-keyvault.json in a text editor
  • Find the admin_user_id parameter and update its default value with the contents of the clipboard

Deploy the key vault

.\template-deploy.ps1 <subscriptionId> <prefix> <keyVaultResourceGroupName> westeurope ..\az-keyvault.json dev
  • <subscriptionId> is the identifier of your subscription in Microsoft Azure - it's output by the Login-AzureRmAccount command above is a short set of alphanumeric characters (e.g. jgstuff) that will be pre-pended to the names of the various resources, so to be able to identify them
  • <keyVaultResourceGroupName> is a name for the resource group within which the key vault will be created (it should be kept separately from the service fabric cluster, so they can be independently managed and so you don't keep losing your keys when you have to mess around with the Service Fabric)
  • westeurope is the Azure region into which the resources will be deployed
  • ..\az-keyvault.json is the location of the JSON template file
  • dev is an environment signifier (i.e. dev, test, prod, etc)

Initialise the key vault

This will create a self-signed certificate, a copy of which will be inserted into your machine's local certificate manager (certmgr.msc).

.\keyvault_sf_initialise.ps1 <keyVaultName> <keyVaultResourceGroupName> <password>

Take a note of the information that is output by the script.

Create the Service Fabric cluster

cd into the scripts directory

Update the Service Fabric cluster JSON template file

  • Open az-servicefabric.json in a text editor
  • Find the certificate_url parameter and update its default value with the URL that was provided by the keyvault_sf_initialise.ps1 script above
  • Find the certificate_thumbprint parameter and update its default value with the thumbprint that was provided by the keyvault_sf_initialise.ps1 script above
  • Find the keyvault_id parameter and update its default value with the resource ID that was provided by the keyvault_sf_initialise.ps1 script above

Deploy the Service Fabric cluster

.\template-deploy.ps1 <subscriptionId> <prefix> <ServiceFabricResourceGroupName> westeurope ..\az-servicefabric.json dev
  • ` is the same as above
  • <prefix> is the same as above
  • <ServiceFabricResourceGroupName> is the name for the resource group within which the Service Fabric resources will be created (it should be given a different name to the one used in the Key Vault command above)
  • westeurope is the same as above
  • ..\az-servicefabric.json is the location of the JSON template file
  • dev is the same as above

Clearing up

If you want to remove what you've just created, run the following command:-

.\resourcegroup-delete.ps1 <ServiceFabricResourceGroupName> [-force]
  • -force is an optional switch, to prevent the script from asking "Are you sure?"

The above command takes around 5 minutes to complete. The Key Vault can also be deleted, if you want, by using its Resource Group name in the command above.