Welcome to the monorepo for Apollo Neuro's Shopify theme!

See more specific documentation within each workspace:

  • shopify: the Shopify theme
  • api: Serverless API functions

Getting Started


We are leveraging Yarn's support for monorepos - use yarn instead of npm

Make sure you are using Node.js v12 or higher. If you have asdf installed, it will automatically switch your shell's Node version to 14.17.6.


Run yarn setup to:

  • Install the dependencies
  • Install the Shopify CLI
  • Log in to Shopify

Note: This command uses brew, a MacOS tool, to install the Shopify CLI. If you are on a different platform, just do a yarn install and look at the setup docs in the shopify readme.

Local Development

Check the README.md files within the directories of each project.


  • Branching: The main branch in the repository is protected, so you won't be able to push to it. Instead, create a new branch off of main with a descriptive scope & name, i.e. feat/new-component or fix/rich-text-bug.
  • Commit Messages: Commit messages should follow the conventional commits specification, for example: feat(shared): add new Tabs component. See more in the Contributing readme. Commitlint will throw an error if you didn't format it correctly.
  • Package Dependencies: The root package.json should only have devDependencies, and they should only be tools that are used for all packages, i.e. typescript and eslint. To add a package to the root workspace, include the -W flag when you add, i.e. yarn add -D -W eslint


This monorepo contains several modules:

  • theme: The Next.js build for the documentation portal.
  • api: The Sanity configuration for Swell's public sites.
  • scripts: Scripts for general development purposes.


This project uses Shopify's Github integration to deploy changes to the theme. Shopify requires that a linked repository fits the structure of a theme - all directories like layout, assets, snippets and so on must be at the root of the repository. To allow us to have a repository structured to better suit the project, we use a git subtree - which is a linked repository that contains the compiled theme files.

tl;dr: just set up PRs that merge to main and the rest will be taken care of!

When your changes are merged into main, the following happens in a Github action:

  1. A separate branch named deploy is created. This is used as a staging branch only, it will not be committed to the repo.
  2. Upstream changes from the subtree repository are pulled into dist
  3. Build scripts are run, compiling ./shopify/theme to dist
  4. If there are no resulting changes within dist, the script exits.
  5. If there are, those changes are committed, then pushed to the subtree. Commit messages will include the latest package.json version for the theme workspace.


Development tools in use:

  • yarn for package management. This is a monorepo, so using npm won't work!
  • asdf to automatically switch to Node.js 12. (This is optional, but recommended).
  • commitlint: This will parse & validate your commit messages to make sure they are all in a standard format. See more about this in CONTRIBUTING.md
  • semantic-release: When PRs are merged into main, this tool will analyze the commit messages to determine the new version for each module, and automatically generate a CHANGELOG.md file. See more about this in CONTRIBUTING.md
  • eslint: Linting for Javascript & Typescript
  • jest: testing
  • typescript
  • prettier for consistent code formatting
  • lint-staged and husky for running scripts when making new commits, such as linting, formatting, and auto-inserting Markdown tables of content.