Link Card Challenge

Using the provided Sketch file, build Link Cards for the data provided in HomeView.tsx.

Spend an hour and a half working on this. Some things to keep in mind:

  • Don't worry about matching the designs exactly. This exercise is intended to show how you develop APIs for new components and handle styling
  • Just get as far as you can, don't worry about completing everything. It's not about seeing how much you can get done! If you want to spend a little extra time working on it, feel free.
  • Use any styling method you would like
  • Feel free to install any other dependencies
  • Static assets (such as fonts and the Customize card image) are in public/static
  • Follow the eslint rules as best as you can


  1. Fork this repository
  2. yarn install the dependencies, then run yarn start to get to work!


  • Build out link cards for each document type. If you don't have time for all of the cards, focus on the Product card first.
    • As you plan this, imagine that in the future you would need to add more cards for different document types.
  • Assign typescript types to the Props for your components.
  • Build a card for the Customization Page that uses hard-coded data.
  • Use next/link to link to the appropriate pages:
    • Products: /products/[slug]
    • Collections: /collections/[slug]
    • Pages: /pages/[slug]

Extra Credit

  • Set up pages & views for Products, Collections, and Pages. These should just render the document's title and a "back to home" link.
  • Deploy your project to Vercel

When you are done, push your changes back to your forked repo and send us a link!

Thanks 😊