
New Desktop Dropdown Menu

Closed this issue · 6 comments

New Desktop Dropdown Menu

We want to implement a new dropdown menu for desktop based on the below mock-up.
Our goal is to have the image area change when the user rolls over each link.

We need the categories and subcategories to be linked and adjustable in Shopify. Additionally, we need to be able to change out the image associated with each link in Shopify.

I like it! @contentisrelative do you have mockups for how this would work on mobile?

We need the categories and subcategories to be linked and adjustable in Shopify. Additionally, we need to be able to change out the image associated with each link in Shopify.

Regarding this --- we can only include images when the link is to a Shopify entity that has an "Image" field (so, just products or collections). The Wedding pages & Experience link don't have this.

But also sort of not: I can make it so, if an item doesn't have an image, it will look "up" to it's previous sibling and use its image instead. So, "Experience", "Diamond Quality", etc, won't have their own images, but will find the one used by "Shop" and use that.

This will work for the current mockup, but might lead to weird behavior if it changes. For instance, if you made an "About Galaxy" page and put it below the "Baguettes" link, it would use the image from "Star Signs". Which might be OK too!