
Key Character Timeline

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Key Character Birthday Timeline Please visit http://keychar.oldcat.me or http://keyfc.net/keychar

  • This website shows characters info from Key, ranked by their birthday on timeline.
  • The characters without official birthday info are put to the end of the timeline.
  • It will jump automatically to the character whose birthday is approaching.__
  • If you found solid info that is missing in this webpage, please contact me here, or KeyFC website. (Boys info are coming)

#Key社人物的生日时间轴 请访问:http://keychar.oldcat.me 或者 http://keyfc.net/keychar

  • 本页面依据Key社人物的生日为时间轴,展示了她/他们的一些资料。
  • 没有官方生日的人物,她/他们的页面放在了时间轴的最后。
  • 页面会自动跳转到最近即将过生日的Key社人物页面。
  • 如果你有未收录到该页面的可靠数据,请在这里,或者KeyFC论坛联系我。(男生的资料正在整理)

#Contribute / 贡献者 As of today, information in this project is collected by:


goodbest slk000 幾星霜の観測者 JimRaynor_2001

#How to Contribute/Update

  1. Fork and edit .csv
  2. Make pull request, and wait for merge
  3. Run python key_figure_parser.py to update .json file
  4. Commit and Sync

#Credit Logo and images are copyright stuff by VisualArt's / Key, which is clearly shown in the webpage.

This webpage uses [TimelineJS] (https://github.com/NUKnightLab/TimelineJS) toolkit.