
A C++-based growing software system for synthesizing, optimizing, and verifying quantum circuits

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


  1. compile qsyn
  2. ./qsyn
  3. qcir unitary-decompose <input_filename> <output_filename>
  • input file格式
    • 如final_testcase/0
    • 先input矩陣大小n,再input欲輸入之矩陣,矩陣element格式為(x,y).每個element對應一個複數,x為實部,y為虛部.
    • unitary-decompose 預設的 qbit 順序是 Q = q[0], q[1] ... q[N], 和 qiskit 是不一樣的 * e.g. input file的第三行是 |011>, 代表q[0], q[1]為1,q[2]為0
  • output為.qasm檔


  1. you should prepare two files, one is the input matrix, another is the origin circuit
  2. In ./dofile, change "./final_testcase/example.txt" to the path of your input matrix, and "./final_testcase/example.qasm" to the path of your origin circuit
  3. run "./qsyn -f ./dofile". If the circuit are equivalent, you would get diagonal matrix.
  • notice that if you directly use qsyn to get the input matrix for decompose, since assumption for the qubit order is differ, you would get wrong result