Goodby CSV is a high memory efficient flexible and extendable open-source CSV import/export library for PHP 5.3. 1. Memory Management Free This library designed for memory unbreakable. It will not be accumulated in the memory whole rows. The importer read CSV file and execute callback function line by line. 2. Multibyte support This library supports mulitbyte input/output: for example, SJIS-win, EUC-JP and UTF-8. 3. Ready to Use for Enterprise Applications Goodby CSV is fully unit-tested. The library is stable and ready to be used in large projects like enterprise applications.
- ahmarovX
- andsf
- AronWatsonOamaru, New Zealand
- azrulamirazrul inc.
- babaganoushHouston, Texas
- bb-fufFUF // Frank und Freunde GmbH
- bburnichon@deezer
- bluezodActionstep
- ChazDazzlePokeit LLC
- chikuchuchikuchu LLC
- daogurtsovbizzabo
- diya5
- djeraseitTheodis Butler
- Dmitry-art-lab
- egobudeROSE Bikes GmbH
- espei
- gdicampliPrestiter SpA
- idani
- jamesxv7San Juan, Puerto Rico
- jhcloos
- lfitzpatrickChicago
- maxchichi
- Mohicanorr
- Neustradamus
- quryKerry Group
- scratcher28Russia
- shrowdes
- stellalie@atlassian
- suinCraftsman Software, Inc.
- tommygoodenTommy Gooden
- vdrizheruk
- VineGlobal@landedcostio