
A realtime audio patching program

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


An program that lets you build up an audio graph for live processing, by connecting nodes in a web interface. This may be used for example, to set up a virtual guitar pedalboard, controlled via a tablet.

Not really ready for public consumption, but you are welcome to check it out and do whatever you want with it.

Uses TinyPipe and TinyOSC by Martin Roth, which I copied into the repo, and relies on Paul Batchelor's Soundpipe, which you will need to install.

Supported platforms are desktop via JACK, and Bela

You will need a build directory:

mkdir build

To build on Desktop, run


To build on Bela, clone the project into /root/baliset or rsync it from another computer and run

export BALISET_ENV=bela
make clean

To start the audio server, run


Then start the server for the web ui

cd ui/server
npm install # (if you haven't already done this)
node app.js

The clojurescript browser app has a figwheel-driven live-reload workflow. You can run this with

cd ui/client
clj -Afig

Or from emacs/cider, open ui/client/src/baliset_ui/core.cljs, run cider-jack-in-cljs, choose ``figwheel-main, and type :dev` when prompted

Alternatively, the browser app be built with clojurescript optimizations on:

cd ui/client
clj -Aprod

A dev build outputs to ui/client/resources/public/cljs-out/dev-main.js, while a prod build outputs to ui/client/resources/public/cljs-out/prod-main.js. Make sure the right one is included in ui/client/resources/public/index.html.

Then open your browser to localhost:3001 (the node ui server must be running).