
Assignments of DAA432C which were assigned to Group30.

Assignment 1:

Write an algorithm to round of a given decimal digit and plot the error/accuracy to number of decimal digit for the solution of a quadratic equation.

Assignment 2:

Write an efficient algorithm for the following purpose. For a given value of n (n>3), generate an (n x n) matrix whose cells are filled with randomly generated digits 0,.., 9. Now, scan the matrix with a (3 x 3) mask and find out those masks (mask positions) which are similar. For this purpose, you have to first define a similarity matrix to measure the similarity between two 3 x 3 matrices. Note that, you can report a mask position by only mentioning the top-left position of the mask. Do the necessary experimentation and analysis with your algorithm.

Assignment 3:

Write an efficient algorithm to solve a cubic equation of the form x^3−n=0, for some input value of n, by using a repetitive algorithm. Draw a graph of accuracy/error in the answer vs. total number of repetitions. Do the necessary experimentation and analysis with your algorithm.

Assignment 4:

Write an efficient algorithm to merge two given large Heaps of different sizes to create one large Heap. Do this merging using Heap Insertion approach where you insert elements of one Heap, one-by-one, into the other Heap. Trace the movement of elements in every step of the execution of your algorithm.

Assignment 5:

Finding accurate Value Of log(x/x−1) Using Series Expansion.

Assignment 6:

Sort a given array by continuously tracking the max and min elements at every recursive step and placing the max and min elements at the correct position. find the max and min element using divide and conquer approach.

Assignment 7:

To Store the given n files in given sequential storage device such that the mean retrieval time is minimized.


  • Parag Parihar(IIT2016095)
  • Raksit Sai(IIT2016126)
  • Nilotpal Pramanik(IRM2016501)
  • Adarsh Aggarwal(IIT2016516)