TUGAS BESAR ALGEO 2 2022/2023 (IF2123)

Aplikasi Nilai Eigen dan EigenFace pada Pengenalan Wajah (Face Recognition)


Anggota Kelompok :

  1. Azmi Hasna Zahrani (13521006)
  2. Laila Bilbina Khoiru Nisa (13521016)
  3. Ryan Samuel Chandra (13521140)

Table of Contents

General Information

Face Recognition is a biometric technology that can be used to identifying a person's face for a variety of interests in particular security. A facial recognition program involves a collection of facial images already stored on The database then based on the set of facial images, the program can learn the shape The face then matches between the set of facial imagery that has been studied with the image to be identified. There are various techniques for examining facial imagery from a set of already imagery known as Euclidean distance and cosine similarity, principal component analysis (PCA), and Eigenface. In this task, we will build a facial recognition program using Eigenface.

Technologies Used

  • Vscode -- 1.73
  • Python -- 3.9.13
  • Figma -- 9.0


  1. install this repository and then run file main.py
  2. click open folder button and then choose the folder of the dataset you want, and wait until the notification pops up
  3. click open file button to choose your image test, wait until the result come

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