
GR551x SK on Amazon FreeRTOS

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Getting Started Guide for Goodix GR5515-SK

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1. Introduction

This tutorial provides instructions on getting started with the Amazon FreeRTOS system based on Goodix GR5515 Starter Kit Board (here after referred to as "Goodix GR5515-SK Board"). If you do not have the Goodix GR5515-SK Board, visit the Goodix to purchase one.

Before getting started, you need to Set Up AWS IoT and Amazon Cognito for Amazon FreeRTOS Bluetooth Low Energy.

To run the Amazon FreeRTOS Bluetooth Low Energy demo, you also need an iOS or Android mobile device with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi capabilities.


GR5515-SK Board uses the SDK provided by Amazon to route to AWS Cloud, and the SDK is available in both iOS and Android versions. You can clone source codes from:

If you are using an iOS mobile device, you need Xcode to build a demo mobile application. If you are using an Android mobile device, you can use Android Studio to build a demo mobile application.

2. Set Up the Goodix Hardware

  1. Hardware preparation:
    • A GR5515-SK Board
    • A Micro USB cable

3. Set UP the Development Environment

The following instructions apply to Windows system. To build an Amazon FreeRTOS development environment for GR5515-SK Board, the following software is required:

  • Keil µVision5: Integrated Development Environment (IDE) used by GR5515-SK Board
  • Device Family Pack (DFP) that supports ARM Cortex-M4 FPU Chip
  • J-Link: programming and debugging tool for GR5515-SK Board
  • Serial port assistant tool: log printout
  • GR551x family chip programming algorithm file: the GR551x family chip programming algorithm file in Keil
  • GNU Make and CMake: tools to build projects through command lines

3.1 Install Keil µVision5

  1. Click to download the right version of installation program for Arm Cortex-M from the Keil website; recommended version: µVision5 V5.20.

    It is available at: http://www2.keil.com/mdk5/legacy.

  2. Run the downloaded program and choose the default installation path to install the Keil µVision5.

3.2 Install ARM CM4-FP DFP

  1. Click to download the installation program of ARM Cortex-M4 FP DFP from the Keil website, and save it to an appropriate directory.

    It is available at: http://www.keil.com/dd2/arm/armcm4_fp/.

  2. Run Keil; on the file toolbar, find the button Pack Installer and click it.

  3. From the menu, click File > Import, to import the downloaded DFP file and finish installation. The interface after installation is shown as follows:

3.3 Install J-Link

GR5515-SK Board provides on-board JTAG/SWD debugging interface, and you only need to install the J-Link software, instead of purchasing a J-Link emulator.

  1. Download the J-Link software.

    It is available at: https://www.segger.com/downloads/jlink/#J-LinkSoftwareAndDocumentationPackBeta.

    J-Link software version: V6.10 or later versions are required, and the latest version is recommended.

  2. After downloading, click to install the software in the default path.

3.4 Install GR5515-SK Board Serial Port Assistant Tool

  1. Download an appropriate serial port assistant tool from the Internet and install it.

3.5 Install GR551x Family Chip Algorithm File

  1. Download the GR551x family chip algorithm file.

    It is available at: GR551x_8Mb_Flash.FLM.

  2. After downloading, save it to the Flash directory in the installation path of Keil.

    Default path: C:\Keil_v5\ARM\Flash

3.6 Install GNU Make and CMake

If you use Keil IDE for project development only, you do not need to install GNU Make and CMake; if you want to use CMake command line to build projects, you need to install them.

  1. Download GNU Make.

    It is available at: ftp://ftp.equation.com/make/.

  2. GNU Make is an installation-free executable file. Save it to an appropriate path, such as c:\gnumake, and then add it to the environment variable path.

  3. Download and install CMake.

    Install CMake in the default path.

    CMake (V3.13 or later versions) is available at: https://cmake.org/.

4. Configure and Build Amazon FreeRTOS Project

4.1 Download Amazon FreeRTOS

To download Amazon FreeRTOS for Goodix GR5515-SK Board, go to the Amazon FreeRTOS GitHub page and clone the repository.


The maximum length of a file path on Microsoft Windows is 260 characters. Lengthy Amazon FreeRTOS download directory paths can cause project build failures.

In this guide, the path to the amazon-freertos directory is referred to as $(amazon-freertos) .

4.2 Connect Device

  1. Run the Keil µVision5, and open the project $(amazon-freertos)\projects\goodix\GR5515-SK\keil_v5\aws_demos\goodix_aws_demos.uvprojx.

  2. You might be prompted to choose a chip type when you open the project for the first time. If you are prompted, choose ARM Cortex M4 > ARMCM4_FP; if this chip type is not available in the pop-up box, see 3.2 Installing ARM CM4-FP DFP to install required pack files.

  3. The project directory structure is shown as follows:

    Project files are organized by (1) Main entry and hardware initialization, (2) Demo and related header files, (3) AWS FreeRTOS public dependency, (4) GR5515 SDK dependency, and (5) Porting files and configuration of each module, as shown in the above figure, to help users locate files quickly.

  4. Use a Micro USB cable to connect a PC to GR5515-SK Board; check whether any device is discovered through Device Manager of Windows, as shown below. (Note: The serial port number of different computers may vary.)

  5. Choose the project and right click the menu: (1) choose Options for Target 'aws_demos'; (2) choose Debug tab; (3) choose J-LINK/J-TRACE Cortex from the Use list; (4) click Settings; (5) choose Debug tab; (6) choose SW under Port, as shown in the following figure. Verify that the SW device is available.

  6. In the Cortex/JLink/JTrace Target Driver Setup pop-up, choose Flash Download, choose GR551x 8 Mb Flash, and click Add to set up algorithm file for GR551x family chip.

  7. Open the serial port assistant tool, choose GR5515-SK Board port (configuration parameter: 115200|8|N|1), and open the port.

4.3 Configure AWS IoT Endpoint

  1. Browse to the AWS IoT console.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Settings.

    Your AWS IoT endpoint is displayed in Endpoint. It should be similar to *<1234567890123>*-ats.iot.*<us-east-1>*.amazonaws.com. Record this endpoint.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Manage > Things. Your device should have an AWS IoT thing name. Record this name.

  4. Use your AWS IoT endpoint and AWS IoT thing name to open $(amazon-freertos)/demos/include/aws_clientcredential.h in IDE, and specify values for the following #define constants:

    • clientcredentialMQTT_BROKER_ENDPOINT Your AWS IoT endpoint
    • clientcredentialIOT_THING_NAME The AWS IoT thing name of your board

4.4 Build a Project

  1. In the menu, click Project > Build Target to compile a project. After compilation, build a target binary file in the directory $(amazon-freertos)\projects\goodix\GR5515-SK\keil_v5\aws_demos\build.
  2. To compile a project with make + CMake, see 6. Building a Project with CMake.

5. Enable Project Demo

GR5515-SK Board supports the following demo projects:

  • CONFIG_MQTT_DEMO_ENABLED: demo project that establishes network connection to AWS IoT Cloud through MQTT (over BLE) for data Subscribe/Publish demos
  • CONFIG_BLE_GATT_SERVER_DEMO_ENABLED: GATT service demo project of Bluetooth Low Energy

GR5515-SK Board project configures other macro functions by default. Users can follow instructions in 4.3 Configuring Your AWS IoT Endpoint to configure an endpoint, and then define above macros (users can define one macro each time) in the file $(amazon-freertos)\vendors\goodix\boards\GR5515-SK\aws_demos\config_files\aws_demo_config.h, to enable the demonstration function of corresponding demos.

  1. Compile the project after enabling macro definitions of corresponding demos.
  2. After compilation, in the menu, click Flash > Download (or F8) for programming.
  3. After programming, start the demonstration program by pressing the RESET button on GR5515-SK Board, or use the Debug menu of Keil software for project debugging.

For details about demo, see:

6. Build a Project with CMake


CMake version shall meet the Amazon FreeRTOS requirements.

6.1 CMake Script Dependency

  • CMake file path of goodix/GR5515-SK: $(amazon-freertos)\vendors\goodix\boards\GR5515-SK\CMakeLists.txt
  • CMake compiler file of goodix/GR5515-SK: $(amazon-freertos)\tools\cmake\toolchains\arm-keil-v5.cmake

6.2 Use CMake Command Line for Compilation

  1. Compile Demo project:
cmake -DVENDOR=goodix -DBOARD=GR5515-SK -DCOMPILER=arm-keil-v5 -DAFR_ENABLE_TESTS=0 -S . -B build -DAFR_METADATA_MODE=1 -G "Unix Makefiles"

cd build
make -j8
  1. Compile Test project:
cmake -DVENDOR=goodix -DBOARD=GR5515-SK -DCOMPILER=arm-keil-v5 -DAFR_ENABLE_TESTS=1 -S . -B build -DAFR_METADATA_MODE=1 -G "Unix Makefiles"

cd build
make -j8
  1. CMake command execution is defined as follows:
-- The C compiler identification is ARMCC 5.6.61
-- The CXX compiler identification is ARMCC 5.6.61
-- The ASM compiler identification is ARMCC
-- Found assembler: C:/Keil_v5/ARM/ARMCC/bin/armasm.exe
-- Found Git: C:/Program Files/Git/cmd/git.exe (found version "2.22.0.windows.1")
=========================Resolving dependencies==========================
module disabled: wifi
reason: wifi::mcu_port is not defined by vendor.
dependency path: ble_wifi_provisioning->wifi->wifi::mcu_port

module disabled: secure_sockets
reason: secure_sockets::mcu_port is not defined by vendor.
dependency path: greengrass->secure_sockets->secure_sockets::mcu_port

====================Configuration for Amazon FreeRTOS====================
  Version: 201906.00 Major
  Git version: Unknown

Target microcontroller:
  vendor: Goodix
  board: GR5515-SK
  description: Goodix BLE GR5515-SK Board for AmazonFreeRTOS
  family: Goodix BLE GR551x
  data ram size: 256KB
  program memory size: 1MB

Host platform:
  OS: Windows-10.0.17134
  Toolchain: arm-keil-v5
  Toolchain path: C:/Keil_v5/ARM/ARMCC
  CMake generator: Unix Makefiles

Amazon FreeRTOS modules:
  Modules to build: ble, common, crypto, dev_mode_key_provisioning, kernel, mqtt,
                           ota, pkcs11, platform, posix, serializer, shadow
  Enabled by user: ble, mqtt, ota, pkcs11, platform, posix, shadow
  Enabled by dependency: ble_hal, common, crypto, demo_base, dev_mode_key_provisioning,
                           freertos, freertos_plus_posix, kernel, serializer
  3rdparty dependencies: jsmn, mbedtls, pkcs11, tinycbor
  Available demos: demo_ble, demo_mqtt, demo_ota, demo_shadow
  Available tests:

-- Configuring done
-- Generating done

6.3 Use CMake-GUI for Compilation

  1. Open CMake-GUI, configure the source code and build paths, and click Configure.

  2. Choose the makefile generator in the pop-up.

  1. Choose the CMake compiler script.

  1. Finish other configurations. Choose goodix.GR5515-SK. To compile Demo project, do not check AFR_ENABLE_TESTS; to compile Test project, check AFR_ENABLE_TESTS.

  1. After configuration, change to the build directory from command line, enter the directory, and execute the make command.

7. Debugging

Keil provides a debug menu with rich functions. When you perform runtime debugging for GR5515-SK Board with J-Link tool, common debugging functions are shown as follows:

8. Troubleshooting

For general troubleshooting information about getting started with Amazon FreeRTOS, see Troubleshooting Getting Started.