
labeling photo by yolo format

Primary LanguagePHP


LBChecker is a tool to extract value from YOLO format data text files and draw bounding boxes in clean images.


  • We want to detect objects from images and videos, we choose YOLO as the model
  • To train this model, we will need a large of datasets
  • Most of time, a dataset with good quality can take improve the models training results
  • So, how can we ensure the quality of datasets and check whether we draw the bounding boxes correctly or not
  • This tool can read the text files and convert the value to produce x_center y_center width height of the bounding boxes and draw it to the images

Before we start

To use this tool, make sure you already install the following:

  • PHP >=7.0
  • Fileinfo Extension
  • GD Library (>=2.0)

Quick start

  1. Move the images and text files into the input folder
  2. Run main.php
  3. Check the result in output folder

Some tips to know

  1. To change or add more classes of the labels
$labelTitleMapping = [
    0 => 'smoking',
    1 => 'reading',
    2 => 'calling',
    3 => 'drinking',
    4 => 'eating',
  1. To change the color of the bounding boxes
$labelColorMapping = [
    0 => 'rgba(255, 157, 151, 0.5)',
    1 => 'rgba(145, 205, 49, 0.5)',
    2 => 'rgba(51, 67, 145, 0.5)',
    3 => 'rgba(145, 205, 49, 0.5)',
    4 => 'rgba(255, 48, 195, 0.5)',