
Z3 Python script verifying the termination argument using polynomial interpretation

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT

String diagrams for functions

This repository hosts the code used in proving termination and local confluence for a string diagrammatic presentation of functions between finite sets. See this paper (Section 6) for further details.


The termination proof can be found in the termination.py file, which is a Python script, which uses Z3 to check the termination argument of the rewrite system, using polynomial interpretation.

To run, please install the Z3 solver and run

python termination.py

in terminal

Local confluence

The local confluence proofs were generated using the code inside the strings/ folder (the produced html is in docs/ and can be viewed here). The code is a rudimentary Haskell library, which implements the rewrite system and an SVG pretty printing.

To run, first compile the code using stack

stack build

and then run

stack exec strings-exe