Fall 2015 6.830 Course Project: Efficient locking scheme for B-Trees (based on SimpleDB)
zgw: Hey guys, I finally decided to use my repo as the baseline. (I don't think mine is better than yours. But I think the BufferPool and BTree implementation in this repo is quite clean and easy to debug.) However, I am not super confident about my code. It's not perfect and is not guaranteed to be correct. So feel free to debug it.
Currently I disabled 5-10 threads' Transaction system test and BTreeTest. It's hard to debug them under timeout resolution strategy. I am implementing the cycle detection scheme, and once that is done, we can move on.
So forget about concurrency. This is a reasonable baseline to implement at least the serial version of the B-Tree that was proposed in the paper.
Other notes
For BLinkTree - got rid of the parent and left sibling pointers since I'm not sure whether its possible to make them work correctly under new semantics.
The notion of highkey is only valid if there is no right Sibling. Therefore the field highkey is not maintained if no right sibling. (If it was to be maintained, then each page down the hierachy would have to be updated when a key greater than the largest on record is inserted)
I'm not too sure if the concurrent insert procedure given in the paper holds when the root splits. Therefore the current test makes sure that this doesn't happen (by some sequential inserts untils the root splits twice) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15753534/how-blink-tree-cope-with-such-situation
Deadlock not possible when doing inserts only. Paper proves this. But they can happen when doing a inserts and deletions together
Pointer to the repo.
Bugs that still exist
- No clean pages to evict
- Deadlock Detection scheme has some false positives
300 - 570 / 63 400 - 1300 / 75 500 - 2500 / 90 600 - 6000 / 110 700 - 12000 / 138
Median out of 9 runs considered, very significant variation
Tx - 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Blink - 30 45 63 75 90 110 138 BTree with replay - 80 250 700 1300 3500 7000 - Btree w/o replay - 85 300 570 1300 2500 6000 12000 serial insert - 36 65 89 119 172 190 221 Blink delete - 39 74 108 140 162 172 226
Tx - 1000 2000 4000 8000 16000 BTree - 302 602 1200 2400 4800 Blink - 199 368 629 1096 2126
Other results
- When doing inserts only, no effect on numPages
When doing deletions, first acquire a random tuple. Then delete. Acquiring tuple is done without locks, but deletions require a READ_WRITE lock. If two threads acquire the same tuple, then one has to wait for the other to release
Theoretically doing deletions should consume space. but in practice its not much. (unless its just deletions)