GoodToCode Persistence for Azure and O365 is a cross-cutting (AOP) centric collection of projects that support common plumbing done in Azure Storage Tables, O365 Files, Azure CosmosDb and Azure SQL.
You will need the following tools:
Follow these steps to get your development environment set up:
Application layer uses ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable, and will default to Production if not found.
Add the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT entry in your Enviornment Variables
To accopmlish this on Windows
- Open Control Panel > System > >Advanced Settings > Environment Variables > System Variables
- Next add new User Variable UserVariables > New Variable name: ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT Variable value: Development
- Then Ok (to save)
You will need to restart Visual Studio, VS Code and Terminals to see the changes
- Application layer requires 1 Azure Storage Account and 1 Azure Service Bus cloud resource to operate.
- Both JSON configuration (appsettings.*.json) and Azure App Configuration service are supported
To accopmlish this in appsettings.*.json
1. Open all instances of appsettings.Development.json and appsettings.Production.json
2. Copy your Azure Storage Account and Azure CosmosDb Connection Strings from the Azure Portal
3. Paste your connection string over the following setting:
"ConnectionStrings": {
4. Repeat for both Development and Production
5. Save all instances of appsettings.Development.json and appsettings.Production.json
Includes cross-platform interfaces and abstractions for use in all assemblies.
Includes all abstractions, classes and service collection extensions for Azure Blob Storage, Excel file reading/writing, and CSV reading/writing.
Includes all abstractions, classes and service collection extensions for Azure Storage Tables, CosmosDb, Entity Framework (EF) Core, etc.
- .NET 6.0
- Azure Storage Tables
- Azure CosmosDb
- Entity Framework Core