
A basic application that I can run on a virtual machine to perform dynamic DNS updates from my UniFi Security Gateway.

How it works?

Using the namecheap backend in the USG, I can pass values and a custom endpoint address where the ddclient utility will periodically submit.

The /update endpoint is appended to the server parameter and is requested by HTTPS. It is passed four form values, encoded as the query string to a GET request:

  1. host
  2. domain
  3. password
  4. ip

I want to update the naked domain name record, so we pass the domain name as the domain value, @ as the host, our target IP as identified by the USG is ip and password is a pre-shared secret.


The application will require the -cert and -key switches to allow the service to make use of TLS.

Socket activation

I wanted to experiment with a few technologies. Using Go was first, but socket activation means that the application will be spawned when traffic is received.

# /etc/systemd/system/dyndns.socket

# /etc/systemd/system/dyndns.service
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/dyndnsdo -cert /etc/pki/tls/private/cert1.pem -key /etc/pki/tls/private/privkey1.pem -password sharedsecret