Secure Tours

Landing page whilst the website is under construction.


The contents of the src folder will be served by a simple nginx Docker container.

To alter the website replace the contents of the src folder, build the container, and test.

Build the container

To produce a Docker container suitable to serve the site, issue the following command.

docker build -t goodtune/securetours .

Run the container

To start the container issue the following command to run it in the foreground on port 80.

docker run --rm -it --publish 80:80 goodtune/securetours

You can now visit http://localhost/ in your web browser to test the container.

Ship the container

  1. Use git to commit your changes and push the back to GitHub.
  2. Create a pull-request (PR) to have your changes included in the official build.

Once the PR is merged, Docker Hub will automatically build a new container that can be deployed to production.