
Use Webstorm like a pro with these hints.

Use Webstorm like a pro. And may the force be with you ⚔️


  • previous tab (Ctrl + Tab)
  • left/right tab (Alt <- ->)
  • widgets (Alt + 1..9)
  • go to declaration (Ctrl + B)
  • next/prev project (Ctrl + Alt + [ or Ctrl + Alt + ])
  • search file/module in "Project structure" (simply type its name)
  • close current tab (Ctrl + F4)
  • show in files
  • scroll from source (find current file)
  • copy path / copy relative path
  • find member: class / method / file (double Shift or Ctrl + N)

format and typing

  • format ugly code (Ctrl + Alt + L)
  • ask for a suggestion (Ctrl + Space)
  • multi-cursor (Alt + mouse click)
  • next occurrence (Alt + J)
  • delete line (Ctrl + Y)
  • toggle text case (Ctrl + Shift + U or Menu -> Edit -> Toggle)
  • paste from history (Ctrl + Shift + V)
  • live templates: tests / console.log / html document (Ctrl + J for hints) / react hooks`
  • move line above/below (Ctrl + Shift + up/down arrow)
  • navigate within code block / select block (Ctrl + [ or ] as well with Shift)


  • git clone
  • git commit (Ctrl + K)
  • git push (Ctrl + Shift + K)
  • smart git fetch (Ctrl + T)
  • git history log
  • git conflicts
  • git stash/shelf
  • changes in lines: green - new; blue - changed; triangle - removed


  • rename member: constant / method / class / file (Shift + F6)
  • move constant from file1 to file2 (F6)
  • change signature (Ctrl + F6)
  • search: matches/files/regex (Ctrl + Shift + F)
  • replace: matches/files/regex (Ctrl + Shift + R)

visual appearance & other

  • terminal: from project root (Alt + F12) / from specific dir
  • folding (current block / all / fragment / files structure) (Ctrl + "-/+" and Ctrl + Shift + "-/+")
  • split tabs vertically
  • package.json commands in one click
  • view modes: presentation / fullscreen / distraction free
  • .json files trailing comma
  • color palette
  • inline list
  • remove extra spaces
  • Emmet out-of-the-box
  • instant html check (top right corner in .html files)