Note that I am in the market for a better name for this app.
I believe that the discovery of music should be (and basically still is) a social activity. I don't think that platforms like Spotify and Apple Music give users adequate means for exploring their friends music collections or for a user expressing his or her self through displaying their own favorite songs.
What I am trying to do here is build a social network where:
- users can save songs to a profile
- users can follow other users
- users can "like" tracks.
- a user's liked tracks are displayed on his or her profile
- track cards have a playable link. This could be to spotify at first but ultimately I'd like to allow links to youtube, soundcloud or any msuic platform.
- a user's followed users are displayed on his or her profile
- a user's followers are displayed on his or her profile.
- a newsfeed that shows when users have just been followed and tracks have been liked
- a tracks follows are displayed on the track's page.
The frontend that I am building for this website will mostly be a proof of concept. Utlimately, I'd like to build advanced tools for querying other users' music collections or for the network of people who like a certian set of tracks. I believe that, with this data, I will be able to write scripts that help users discover music that they like through other users in their social network. In fact, if my hypothesis is right, I won't even have to write those algorithms; I can just provide the tools for users to discover music they love easily on their own.