
A new front-end for goodybag

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Goodybag App


To install dependencies and run the initial build:

npm install

To start the server:

export GOODYBAG_SID=... # paste your connect.sid cookie here
export GOODYBAG_API=https://www.goodybag.com/api # or http://localhost:3000/api
export GOODYBAG_ORDER_ID=... # paste an order id here
node dist/app/server.js # you can also use nodemon here

To watch for changes:

gulp watch

Gulp tasks

Default does these steps:

  1. Build will compile all the ES6 in app into ES5 files in dist/src
  2. Bundle will bundle (and compile) all the ES6 in app into the bundle dist/build/bundle.js
  3. Migrate will copy all files from public to dist/build
  4. Compile will compile app/styles/main.less to dist/build/main.css pick

Watch will watch and re-do all the things above when something changes.

Mocha tests

Running npm test or simply mocha will run the test suite. If you want to have a tigher TDD-loop, or you just want your tests to run more rapidly, then start mocha in watch-mode with mocha -w. Try out the -R min reporter.

Best practices

See our best practices page on the wiki.