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Create SPA (Single Page Application) to present weather data. App features:

  1. Display current weather for the city Łódź:
  • current time
  • current temperature
  • weather icon (you can use EMOJI for example or other free stuff like https://tablericons.com/)
  • wind speed
  • wind direction
  • Atmospheric pressure
  • humidity
  1. Historical (last 5 days) weather data presented on chart
  2. Location search - input for typing location.
  3. Selecting location:
  • same as for current weather, but for selected location. It would be nice if there was historical chart too.

If you have an idea for other features, feel free to introduce them.


  1. React.js ( you can use CRA if you want to )
  2. Data delivery - REST API => https://openweathermap.org/api


  1. Use some state manager or react-query
  2. Use lint and prettier to improve code style integrity
  3. Use AXIOS as HTTP client
  4. Be sure your app is free of bugs
  5. Write tests
  6. Create README file with instruction on how to get your app started


  1. Share your source code using Github https://github.com/goodylabs/FE-Zeus-dev-test :
    • clone existing empty repository
    • create your own branch, choose a name that will allow us to connect with you
    • create new Pull Request
  2. Build your app and host it with some free cloud host (eg. https://www.netlify.com/, https://firebase.google.com/)