Python/Django Developer Test

Simple Django project prepared for recruitment process.

Please clone this clean repository into your workspace, do some work and create a pull request.


Project setup


Execute in project's root directory:

pipenv sync

Since now you can switch to virtual environment created by pipenv. To do so run pipenv shell command.

Otherwise you would have to add pipenv run prefix to every python-related command executed within project's directory tree (see below).

Database setup

Execute in project's root directory:

pipenv run python migrate
pipenv run python createsuperuser


pipenv shell
./ migrate
./ createsuperuser
Start the app

Execute in project's root directory:

pipenv shell
./ runserver

Other tools

Please run a linter before pushing to the repo. To do so simply execute:

pipenv run flake8

...add fix any issues.


The goal of the exercise is to create a system that tracks various events like clicks, page views, etc. Please complete the following tasks in a given order. Preferably you should prepare a separate commit for every task.

  1. Create analytics.models.Event model with given fields:
    • name - required non-empty string, maximum length equal to 255 characters,
    • created_at - required date of creation, automatically set to "now",
    • additional_data - optional text.
  2. Add Event model to the Django Admin panel.
  3. In admin panel: make Event model searchable by name.
  4. Add REST endpoint POST /api/events that allows to create an Event with given name and additional_data. Implement any validations, views, forms and serializers needed. It's up to you. Remember about tests.
  5. Extend existing User model (django.contrib.auth.models.User) with new field:
    • api_token - optional string, maximum length equal to 100, unique.
  6. Extend existing Event model (analytics.models.Event) with new field:
    • created_by - required foreign key pointing to User
  7. Update POST /api/events endpoint. From now on it should check the Authorization HTTP Header of every incoming request. In case of missing or invalid Authorization header it should return an error with HTTP Code 401 Unauthorized. Valid Authorization header looks like this: Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN, where API_TOKEN is an existing api_token provided for any existing User (see point 5). Newly created event's created_by field should be set to User whose API_TOKEN has been provided in the Authorization header. Remember about tests.
  8. In Admin panel: make Event searchable by created_by.username in addition to name implemeted in point 3.

Extending User model can be tricky. You are allowed to prepare your own User model based on django.contrib.auth.models.AbstractUser and override AUTH_USER_MODEL. You can also create a separate model for API Tokens and link to existing users. It's up to you.

Optional things to consider:

  1. Djagno REST Framework (,
  2. Move Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN evaluation to middleware.