
A DOM-less JSON parser that can parse a JSON object without allocating a single byte of memory

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION


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Motivation and design

When parsing JSON messages, most C/C++ libraries employ a DOM-based approach, i.e. they work by building an in-memory representation of object, and the client can then create/read/update/delete the properties of the object as needed, and most importantly access them in whatever order.
While this is very convenient and provides maximum flexibility, there are situations in which memory allocations must or should preferably be avoided. minijson_reader is a callback-based parser, which can effectively parse JSON messages without allocating a single byte of memory, provided the input buffer can be modified.

minijson_writer is the independent counterpart for writing JSON messages.


minijson_reader is a single header file of ~1,300 LOC with no library dependencies. C++11 support is strongly recommended (lambda expressions are way more convenient than plain callbacks or function objects), although not strictly required.


First of all, the client must create a context. A context contains the message to be parsed, plus other state the client should not be concerned about. Different context classes are currently available, corresponding to different ways of providing the input, different memory footprints, and different exception guarantees.


buffer_context can be used when the input buffer can be modified. It guarantees no memory allocations are performed, and consequently no std::bad_alloc exceptions will ever be thrown. Its constructor takes a pointer to a ASCII or UTF-8 encoded C string (not necessarily null-terminated) and the length of the string in bytes (not in UTF-8 characters).

char buffer[] = "{}";
minijson::buffer_context ctx(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1);
// ...


Similar to a buffer_context, but it does not modify the input buffer. const_buffer_context immediately allocates a buffer on the heap having the same size of the input buffer. It can throw std::bad_alloc only in the constructor, as no other memory allocations are performed after the object is created.
The input buffer must stay valid for the entire lifetime of the const_buffer_context instance.

const char* buffer = "{}";
minijson::const_buffer_context ctx(buffer, strlen(buffer)); // may throw
// ...


With istream_context the input is provided as a std::istream. The stream doesn't have to be seekable and will be read only once, one character at a time, until EOF is reached, or an error occurs. An arbitrary number of memory allocations may be performed upon construction and when the input is parsed withparse_object or parse_array, effectively changing the interface of those functions, that can throw std::bad_alloc when used with istream_context.

// let input be a std::istream
minijson::istream_context ctx(input);
// ...

More about contexts

Contexts cannot be copied, nor moved. Even if the context classes may have public methods, the client must not rely on them, as they may change without prior notice. The client-facing interface is limited to the constructor and the destructor.

The client can implement custom context classes, although the authors of this library do not yet provide a formal definition of aContext concept, which has to be reverse engineered from the source code, and can change without prior notice.

Parsing messages

parse_object and parse_array

A JSON object must be parsed withparse_object:

// let ctx be a context
minijson::parse_object(ctx, [&](const char* name, minijson::value value)
    // for every field...

name is a null-terminated UTF-8 encoded string representing the name of the field.

A JSON array must be parsed by using parse_array:

// let ctx be a context
minijson::parse_array(ctx, [&](minijson::value value)
    // for every element...

In both cases value represents the field or element value (minijson::value will be detailed in the following paragraph).

Both name and value can be safely copied, and all their copies will stay valid until the context is destroyed (or the underlying buffer is destroyed in case buffer_context is used).

Of course, in place of the lambda, you may use callbacks or function objects.


Field and element values are accessible through instances of the minijson::value class.

value has the following public methods:

  • minijson::value_type type(): the type of the value. Possible types are String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, and Null.
  • const char* as_string(): the value as a null-terminated UTF-8 encoded string. This representation is always available except when type() is Object or Array, in which case an empty string is returned. The string outlives the value instance, but its lifetime is limited by the one of the underlying context, except for buffer_context, in which case it will stay valid until the buffer itself is destroyed.
  • long as_long(): the value as a long integer. This representation is available when type() is Number and the number could be parsed by strtol without overflows, or when the type is Boolean, in which case 1 or 0 are returned for true and false respectively. In all the other cases, 0 is returned.
  • double as_double(): the value as a double-precision floating-point number. This representation is available when type() is Number and the number could be parsed by strtod without overflows or underflows, or when the type is Boolean, in which case non-zero or 0.0 are returned for true and false respectively. In all the other cases, 0.0 is returned.
  • bool as_bool(): the value as a boolean. This method simply returns the value of as_long() cast to bool.

Copying a value does not allocate memory, and no method of the class throws.

Parsing nested objects or arrays

When the type() of a value is Object or Array, you must parse the nested object or array by doing something like:

// let ctx be a context
minijson::parse_object(ctx, [&](const char* name, minijson::value value)
    // ...
    if (strcmp(name, "...") == 0 && value.type() == minijson::Object)
        minijson::parse_object(ctx, [&](const char* name, minijson::value value)
           // parse the nested object

Ignoring nested objects and arrays

While all other fields and values can be simply ignored by omission, failing to parse a nested object or array will cause a parse error and consequently an exception to be thrown. You can properly ignore a nested object or array by calling minijson::ignore as follows:

// let ctx be a context
minijson::parse_object(ctx, [&](const char* name, minijson::value value)
    // ...
    if (strcmp(name, "...") == 0 && value.type() == minijson::Object)
        minijson::ignore(ctx); // proper way to ignore a nested object

Simply passing an empty callback does not achieve the same result. minijson::ignore will recursively parse (and ignore) all the nested elements of the nested element itself (if you are thinking about possible stack overflows, please refer to the Errors section of this document). minijson::ignore is intended for nested objects and arrays, but does no harm if used to ignore elements of any other type.

A more compact syntax

The arguments accepted by the callback passed to parse_object suggest to handle objects fields by the means of a chain of if...else if blocks:

// let ctx be a context
minijson::parse_object(ctx, [&](const char* name, minijson::value value)
   if (strcmp(name, "field1") == 0) { /* do something */ }
   else if (strcmp(name, "field2") == 0) { /* do something else */ }
   // ...
   else { /* unknown field, either ignore it or throw an exception */ }

Of course this works, but a more compact syntax is provided by the means of minijson::dispatch:

// let ctx be a context
minijson::parse_object(ctx, [&](const char* name, minijson::value value)
    <<"field1">> [&]{ /* do something */ }
    <<"field2">> [&]{ /* do something */ }
    // ...
    <<minijson::any>> [&]{ minijson::ignore(ctx); /* or throw */ };

Please note the use of minijson::any to match any other field that has not been matched so far.

A fully-featured example

char json_obj[] =
    "{ \"field1\": 42, \"array\" : [ 1, 2, 3 ], \"field2\": \"asd\", "
    "\"nested\" : { \"field1\" : 42.0, \"field2\" : true, "
    "\"ignored_field\" : 0, "
    "\"ignored_object\" : {\"a\":[0]} },"
    "\"ignored_array\" : [4, 2, {\"a\":5}, [7]] }";

struct obj_type
    long field1 = 0;
    std::string field2; // you can use a const char*, but
                        // in that case beware of lifetime!
        double field1 = 0;
        bool field2 = false;
    } nested;
    std::vector<int> array;

obj_type obj;

using namespace minijson;

buffer_context ctx(json_obj, sizeof(json_obj) - 1);
parse_object(ctx, [&](const char* k, value v)
    dispatch (k)
    <<"field1">> [&]{ obj.field1 = v.as_long(); }
    <<"field2">> [&]{ obj.field2 = v.as_string(); }
    <<"nested">> [&]
        parse_object(ctx, [&](const char* k, value v)
            dispatch (k)
            <<"field1">> [&]{ obj.nested.field1 = v.as_double(); }
            <<"field2">> [&]{ obj.nested.field2 = v.as_bool(); }
            <<any>> [&]{ ignore(ctx); };
    <<"array">> [&]
        parse_array(ctx, [&](value v)
    <<any>> [&]{ ignore(ctx); };

You probably want to check that the type() of each value is the one you expect. This has been omitted for the sake of brevity.


parse_object and parse_array will throw a minijson::parse_error exception when something goes wrong.

parse_error provides a reason() method that returns a member of the parse_error::error_reason enum:

  • NESTED_OBJECT_OR_ARRAY_NOT_PARSED: if this happens, make sure you are ignoring unnecessary nested objects or arrays in the proper way
  • EXCEEDED_NESTING_LIMIT: this means that the nesting depth exceeded a sanity limit that is defaulted to 32 and can be overriden at compile time by defining the MJR_NESTING_LIMIT macro. A sanity check on the nesting depth is essential to avoid stack overflows caused by malicious inputs such as [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[...more nesting...]]]]]]]]]]]]]]].

parse_error also has a size_t offset() method returning the approximate offset in the input message at which the error occurred. Beware: this offset is not guaranteed to be accurate, it can be out-of-bounds, and can change without prior notice in future versions of the library (for example, because it is made more accurate).