What is the cause of the rising internal sub-occupancy rate found after starting to reason during use?
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jhlibra commented
Have I written custom code (as opposed to using a stock example script provided in MediaPipe)
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Describe the actual behavior
What is the cause of the rising internal sub-occupancy rate found after starting to reason during use? Is it because the previous video stream was not cleaned? Is there any documentation on how to clear the video streaming data? Also how do I reopen the video stream when I close it?
Describe the expected behaviour
There are presentations corresponding to this section
Standalone code/steps you may have used to try to get what you need
absl::Status GoogleMediapipeDetect::HolisticTrackingDetect::Mediapipe_RunMPPGraph_Direct(
int image_width,
int image_height,
void* image_data,
std::map<int ,FingerPos_T>& facepoint,
std::map<int ,FingerPos_T>& rightpoint,
std::map<int ,FingerPos_T>& leftpoint,
bool show_result_image
// 等待图处于空闲状态
/*----- 1 构造cv::Mat对象 -----*/
cv::Mat camera_frame(cv::Size(image_width, image_height), CV_8UC3, (uchar*)image_data);
cv::Mat camera_frame_RGB;
cv::cvtColor(camera_frame, camera_frame_RGB, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);
// 水平翻转
//cv::flip(camera_frame_RGB, camera_frame_RGB, 1);
//std::cout << "cv::Mat对象构建完成" << std::endl;
/*----- 2 将OpenCV Mat转换为ImageFrame -----*/
auto input_frame = absl::make_unique<mediapipe::ImageFrame>(mediapipe::ImageFormat::SRGB, camera_frame_RGB.cols, camera_frame_RGB.rows,mediapipe::ImageFrame::kDefaultAlignmentBoundary);
cv::Mat input_frame_mat = mediapipe::formats::MatView(input_frame.get());
//std::cout << "将OpenCV Mat转换为ImageFrame完成" << std::endl;
/*----- 3 发送图片到图中推理 -----*/
// 获取当前距离1970的微秒时间
size_t frame_timestamp_us = 0;
size_t frame_timestamp_us =(double)cv::getTickCount() / (double)cv::getTickFrequency() * 1e6;
// std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock, std::chrono::microseconds> tpMicro
// = std::chrono::time_point_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now());
// size_t frame_timestamp_us = tpMicro.time_since_epoch().count();
MP_RETURN_IF_ERROR(m_Graph.AddPacketToInputStream(m_Video_InputStreamName, mediapipe::Adopt(input_frame.release()).At(mediapipe::Timestamp(frame_timestamp_us))));
//std::cout << "发送图片到图中推理完成" << std::endl;
/*----- 4 得到结果 -----*/
// 1 视频输出结果帧
// 2 PoseLandmarks
// 3 FaceLandmarks
if (m_pFaceLandmarksPoller != nullptr)
mediapipe::Packet faceLandmarksPacket;
if (m_pFaceLandmarksPoller->QueueSize() != 0)
if (m_pFaceLandmarksPoller->Next(&faceLandmarksPacket))
auto& output_landmarks = faceLandmarksPacket.Get<mediapipe::NormalizedLandmarkList>();
FingerPos_T tempPoint2D;
const mediapipe::NormalizedLandmark landmark = output_landmarks.landmark(4);
float x = landmark.x() * camera_frame.cols;
float y = landmark.y() * camera_frame.rows;
//std::cout << x << "|" << y << std::endl;
tempPoint2D.id =0;
tempPoint2D.x = x;
tempPoint2D.y = y;
facepoint.insert(std::make_pair(0, tempPoint2D));
const mediapipe::NormalizedLandmark left = output_landmarks.landmark(127);
float leftx = left.x() * camera_frame.cols;
float lefty = left.y() * camera_frame.rows;
const mediapipe::NormalizedLandmark right = output_landmarks.landmark(356);
float rightx = right.x() * camera_frame.cols;
float righty = right.y() * camera_frame.rows;
int fw = sqrt(pow(leftx - rightx, 2) + pow(lefty - righty, 2));
const mediapipe::NormalizedLandmark top = output_landmarks.landmark(10);
float topx = top.x() * camera_frame.cols;
float topy = top.y() * camera_frame.rows;
const mediapipe::NormalizedLandmark bottom = output_landmarks.landmark(152);
float bottomx = bottom.x() * camera_frame.cols;
float bottomy = bottom.y() * camera_frame.rows;
int fh = sqrt(pow(topx - bottomx, 2) + pow(topy - bottomy, 2));
tempPoint2D.id =1;
tempPoint2D.x = fw;
tempPoint2D.y = fh;
facepoint.insert(std::make_pair(1, tempPoint2D));
//4 RightHandLandmarks
if (m_pRightHandLandmarksPoller != nullptr)
mediapipe::Packet rightHandLandmarksPacket;
if (m_pRightHandLandmarksPoller->QueueSize() != 0)
if (m_pRightHandLandmarksPoller->Next(&rightHandLandmarksPacket))
auto& output_landmarks = rightHandLandmarksPacket.Get<mediapipe::NormalizedLandmarkList>();
for (int i = 0; i < output_landmarks.landmark_size(); ++i)
FingerPos_T tempPoint2D;
const mediapipe::NormalizedLandmark landmark = output_landmarks.landmark(i);
float x = landmark.x() * camera_frame.cols;
float y = landmark.y() * camera_frame.rows;
//tempPoint2D.type = 'R';
//tempPoint2D.id = i + 2;
tempPoint2D.id =i;
tempPoint2D.x = x;
tempPoint2D.y = y;
rightpoint.insert(std::make_pair(i, tempPoint2D));
//5 LeftHandLandmarks
if (m_pLeftHandLandmarksPoller != nullptr)
mediapipe::Packet leftHandLandmarksPacket;
if (m_pLeftHandLandmarksPoller->QueueSize() != 0)
if (m_pLeftHandLandmarksPoller->Next(&leftHandLandmarksPacket))
auto& output_landmarks = leftHandLandmarksPacket.Get<mediapipe::NormalizedLandmarkList>();
for (int i = 0; i < output_landmarks.landmark_size(); ++i)
FingerPos_T tempPoint2D;
const mediapipe::NormalizedLandmark landmark = output_landmarks.landmark(i);
float x = landmark.x() * camera_frame.cols;
float y = landmark.y() * camera_frame.rows;
tempPoint2D.id =i;
tempPoint2D.x = x;
tempPoint2D.y = y;
leftpoint.insert(std::make_pair(i, tempPoint2D));
return absl::OkStatus();
absl::Status GoogleMediapipeDetect::HolisticTrackingDetect::Mediapipe_ReleaseGraph()
return m_Graph.WaitUntilDone();
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