
Container for all files that are automatically generated

Primary LanguageRust

Build Status

A repository to contain all files generated by tools with the [APIs repository][gen-repo].



You can always set SKIP_MCP=yes in just to avoid trying to build it.

Using a custom MCP executable

To easily alter MCP code without having to commit, run just with an overridden MCP argument, pointing to one that you just build. Typical invocations would look like this:

(cd ../generator && cargo build) && just MCP=$PWD/../generator/target/debug/mcp update-drivers

Forcefully regenerating/rebuilding crates even if they failed to generate/build before

The system will remember generator and cargo errors, and not attempt to work on the affected APIs again, unless these files are cleared. This can be done manually, but most of the time you will want to refresh everything, and check for errors.

just refresh-all

Forcefully update the Makefile after a change affecting the mapped index

(cd ../generator && cargo build) && just MCP=$PWD/../generator/target/debug/mcp update-drivers