- 8
- 1
nanopb version
#112 opened by UmidjonOkhunov - 1
Unity App closes / crashes after restart
#111 opened by MoritzKoehlerDesign - 2
- 0
- 11
Wrong transforms returned from GARFrame.anchors
#102 opened by ertembiyik - 0
- 1
nanopb version upgrade
#105 opened by trvon - 1
GARDeviceProfile Error
#106 opened by VitaliiSukhoroslov - 4
- 0
- 3
- 14
- 0
- 5
Error when resolving anchors. No callback received.
#100 opened by vishal219 - 0
#101 opened by GoodCookie6969 - 1
VisionOS support
#91 opened by ertembiyik - 7
Arcore depends on Firebase, then duplicate symbols in iOS app that use Firebase too
#95 opened by lucarocchi - 3
- 1
Rooftop Anchors seem to failing
#94 opened by raymondskl - 3
Thread 1: "+[GARDeviceProfile profileForIdentifier:osVersion:configurationManager:]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x1052a7610"
#90 opened by ertembiyik - 1
Can't add ARCore as a pod dependency
#93 opened by rbadoux - 3
- 0
- 5
Unable to free resolved cloud anchors
#87 opened by sergeiromanov - 0
Add action on Tapping particular Anchor and detect Vertical Plane like Big Building while standing form street .
#89 opened by YogeshBhattGWL - 2
Localization not possible
#86 opened by rohanbhatia56 - 0
- 1
- 0
Doesn't "" get tracked if it's a virtual location?
#83 opened by hina9 - 5
Stuck at First Run
#82 opened by ghus86 - 1
How to show feature points in AR Swift?
#81 opened by deepakrhtsdev - 1
- 5
- 4
- 2
GARSession flag not using arcore service
#79 opened by arenas7307979 - 5
MacOS Support
#73 opened by peymanbateni - 1
how to stop or pause GARSession
#75 opened by arenas7307979 - 1
- 2
GTMSessionFetcher/Core dependency incompatibility when trying to run pod install and also have new firebase libraries installed
#65 opened by dnkoulouris - 1
Run ARCore crashed (iOS 15.6.1 iPhone 12)
#68 opened by kobeli - 1
Not support Firebase version >= 10.0
#69 opened by DamonFish - 2
No "Image Augmentation" for IOS ?
#71 opened by yashukla47 - 3
Creating GARSession fails first time, succeeds after delay, manual ARCore installation
#74 opened by nrj - 2
- 2
Unknown type name 'GARSession'; 'GARFrame'
#66 opened by gbhall - 2
How to get Pupillary distance?
#62 opened by RickeyXiao - 0
Device Overheating
#60 opened by Jose-Develaw - 1
Non-CocoaPods integration
#58 opened by gyulavoros - 1
Apple Silicon support (EXCLUDED_ARCHS: arm64)
#59 opened by gyulavoros