A suite of test scenarios for multi-agent reinforcement learning.
- act65New Zealand
- alaterreInstaDeep
- arnupretoriusSouth Africa
- backpropperGoogle DeepMind
- btracey
- charlesbeattie
- chasemcd
- cotyghCarnegie Mellon University
- duenezDeepMind
- ebigram
- Fabien-CouthouisBordeaux, France
- fanbyprincipleGovt. of India
- fly51flyPRIS
- gazay@playbook-labs
- GitHub30Osaka, Japan
- GoingMyWay
- HakeemDemiLondon UK
- imgempDeepMind
- IpadLi
- jagapiou@google-deepmind
- jzleibo
- lucienzhuThe University of Hong Kong
- lucifer2288
- LukasSchaeferMicrosoft Research
- mjschockOakland, CA
- nantha42
- niallwUniversity of Maryland, College Park
- NullDefault@chainalysis
- papoudakisUniversity of Edinburgh
- pnorridge
- ReinholdM中国.北京
- tkukurinCroatia
- TzuRen
- vishalbelsare
- yejoon-leeSeoul National University
- zhihaolyuLondon, UK