- 7
[Codelab Issue] Testing Codelab 5.1#, Step 3# - The code from "starter_code" branch is not building in Android Studio, Flamingo.
#292 opened by Suparna-here - 1
[Codelab Issue] Testing Codelab 5.2, Step 2 -App is not compilable in latest version of android studio
#299 opened by pedro-maschio - 4
- 0
Instrumented testcase is getting cancelled
#294 opened by amandeepsinghccc - 2
[Codelab Issue] Testing Codelab 5.1, Step 9 - "Test events were not received"
#274 opened by a-champagne - 1
Default branch is incorrect for codelab
#288 opened by alfietapping - 1
[Codelab Issue] Testing Codelab 5.1, Step 6 - Hamcrest version not defined in starter code
#273 opened by a-champagne - 5
[Codelab Issue] Testing Codelab 5.#, Step # - Execution failed for task ':app:kaptDebugKotlin'.
#282 opened by begliamanov - 0
- 0
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- 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
#265 opened by SREERAGI18 - 1
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- 1
[Codelab Issue] Testing Codelab 05.1, Step 7 - Missing "()" in function for first Test
#215 opened by SnexusG - 2
[Codelab Issue] Testing Codelab 5.1, Step 4 - Broken link in the anchor text "reactive architecture"
#218 opened by 404set - 1
- 0
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- 1
[Codelab Issue] Testing Codelab 5.2#, Step #4 - getTasks() function throws error
#229 opened by alifatma13 - 2
[Codelab Issue] Testing Codelab 5.1, Step 8 - What drawing software to use in Codelab
#230 opened by zhangkevd - 1
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[Codelab Issue] Testing Codelab 5.#, Step # - upgrading kotlin coroutine dep breaks sample
#240 opened by ts-stevem - 1
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- 1
[Codelab Issue] Testing Codelab 5.1, Step 9 - typo on getContentIfNoteHandled
#249 opened by blasiusneri - 1
[Codelab Issue] Testing Codelab 5.#, Step 1
#250 opened by LoganTylerPatterson - 1
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- 2
[Codelab Issue] Testing Codelab 5.2, Step all - e: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/JAXBException
#245 opened by Dannark - 0
- 0
- 0
[Codelab Issue] Testing Codelab 5.1, Step 8 - Broken link of robolectric library
#222 opened by dlqkfzlr - 0