
📁 A bijou file management tool and nothing framework be used on it so run it only by one command !

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


📁 A bijou file management tool and nothing framework be used in it !

How To Run


> go run main.go   

# or
> go build
> fileGo.exe

Linux / Mac

> go run main.go

# or
> go build
> ./fileGo

Then the browser will be opened auto and jump to the link : https://localhost:8080 if run it successfully .

Permission( by session )

For more information please refer to the fileGo.conf file bro

Upload file on linux

# it's will rename the file, such as changing filename.txt to filename.1.txt 
curl -F "file=@a.jpg;filename=a.jpg"  http:/ip:port/upload

# it's will rename and mandatorily cover the old file..
curl -F "file=@a.jpg;filename=a.jpg"  http:/ip:port/upload/f