
✅ Let the task.go : it's a todo management which base on vue, gin framework and sqlite3 database .

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


It's not only a todo list but also a notebook and file mangage system, which base on vue, gin framework and sqlite3 database. so no complicated configurations and run it by one command !

  • go v1.14.5
  • vue v2.0
  • gin v1.6.3
  • docker v2.5.0.1
  • gorm v1.20.1
  • gopkg v1.62.0
  • sqlite3 v3.33.0

How To Run


go build


# Mac / Unix
./task conf/config.ini

# Windows
task.exe conf/config.ini

finally, open your browser and input the url :, please modify the content of config.ini file if you want to custom the configuration information bro.