Reliable data integration & processing for advertisers
- 1
CRMint stuck sending events
#514 opened by Adonis323 - 1
- 1
Deleted topics
#505 opened by Adonis323 - 3
ETL'S stuck and not running
#504 opened by Adonis323 - 2
Install Problem
#481 opened by haituong - 1
New user access
#486 opened by Adonis323 - 3
Pipelines running but models and table not showing
#484 opened by Adonis323 - 5
Running into issues re-deploying an instance in same project (KeyError: 'migrate_sql_conn_name')
#422 opened by aazimh - 3
TransportError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /token (Caused by SSLError(SSLError(336236786, u'[SSL: UNABLE_TO_LOAD_SSL3_MD5_ROUTINES]
#478 opened by andrzejeob - 8
InstantBQML 'Create Conversion Event' job sends 'purchase' events and runs over 100 hours
#435 opened by NumesSanguis - 2
- 1
StorageToBQImporter Field delimiter
#229 opened by PatrickProgrammads - 2
Custom Bidding using GA modeled audience
#231 opened by Joshuacourse - 27
- 5
Error Loading Data in CRMint
#469 opened by crandroi - 2
- 1
CRMint update problem
#424 opened by TondaHavlik - 3
Pipeline seems running but nothing shows up in BQ
#400 opened by yongpuitung - 2
Usage and Cost Estimation
#363 opened by daniel-zuckerberg - 1
Make use of GCP default SA account, if available
#180 opened by pgilmon - 1
GADataImporter failure
#164 opened by goyalvishesh - 1
- 3
CRMint deployment not working
#176 opened by vinscse - 1
CRON formating
#181 opened by gckabuto - 2
Ensure the setup script fails on errors
#186 opened by achembarpu - 3
Sowing DB seeds fails
#190 opened by jmeekins - 1
Branching based on success/fail doesn't work
#196 opened by zvizdo - 4
- 2
GADataImporter Execution failed: WorkerException: <HttpError 403 "Insufficient permissions.
#207 opened by PA-Mousset - 2
BigQuery to Google Analytics pipeline
#214 opened by OugribeSara - 2
Cannot Build Local Enviroment
#215 opened by semihmasat - 1
#220 opened by andrzejeob - 5
Error: Server Error when trying to open the pipeline
#232 opened by tkraeft - 3
BQMLTrainer/BQQueryLauncher returning 404 when dataset locations are regional
#234 opened by tyroneschiff - 2
Installation not working, crmint cloud deploy fails with "Package 'rsa' requires a different Python" error
#239 opened by evil-shrike - 0
ERROR in ./node_modules/ngx-window-token
#240 opened by instant-bqml - 0
InternalTransientError in BQWaiter while training AutoML model via BQMLTrainer
#210 opened by tyroneschiff - 0
Broken link on "Quick Start - Run BigQuery ML pipeline on CRMint" page
#238 opened by jmistral-google - 1
- 3
- 21
Cron doesnt work
#208 opened by andrzejeob - 5
- 0
Simple example of JSON file for GAAudiencesUpdater
#205 opened by PA-Mousset - 1
BigQuery to Google Analytics?
#201 opened by PA-Mousset - 2
- 1
Deploy fail
#194 opened by aleinv18 - 1
Deployment script fails with error when CRMint is being re-deployed on behalf of a different user
#184 opened by Slony - 0
- 0
FAQs in official docs need to be updated
#175 opened by eishan05 - 1
Error shown when trying to view a pipeline in web UI
#167 opened by Slony