
QuoteSum is a textual QA dataset containing Semi-Extractive Multi-source Question Answering (SEMQA) examples written by humans, based on Wikipedia passages.

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0


QuoteSum is a textual QA dataset containing Semi-Extractive Multi-source Question Answering (SEMQA) examples written by humans, based on Wikipedia passages.

The dataset is described in detail in the paper: SEMQA: Semi-Extractive Multi-Source Question Answering (NAACL 2024).

Repository description

The Quotesum dataset is provided in jsonl format in v1 dir.

The string-based metrics for comparing generated outputs with human-writtern references are provided in the evals dir with an example notebook.

Semi-Extractive Multi-source Question Answering (SEMQA)

In SEMQA, the answer combines information from multiple sources while explicitly extracting factual spans, and connecting them into a coherent well-grounded passage. See the paper for more details.
