ALBERT: A Lite BERT for Self-supervised Learning of Language Representations
- albert-copybara
- bryanyzhuAmazon AI
- ccoocode
- diegovalenzuelaiturra@TeselaGen
- fly51flyPRIS
- freefuiiismynameBeijing
- fuzixiansheng
- GitHub30Osaka, Japan
- GOP2333
- guozhiyu
- gyzhang123
- ikuyamadaStudio Ousia & RIKEN
- JamesGu14Alibaba
- josecanneteCENIA
- josecohenca
- karlhayek
- kjsmanKAIST
- lapsulemmf Ltd
- LooperXXHarbin Institute of Technology
- natureLanguageQing生命奇点
- newcat
- ngoanpvViet Nam
- ntedgiIronSource (From Unity)
- paulogasparOeiras, Portugal
- Rexhaif@NL2G Universität Mannheim
- stefan-itBavarian Oberland, Germany
- sxjscienceAmazon Web Services
- tbornt
- tholordeepset
- todd-cookBurlingame
- tomohideshibataYahoo Japan Corporation
- wmvojeUniversity of Washington
- xincui-mathNY
- yguo33
- yhshuThe Ohio State University
- yzhihaoguangzhou-guangdong province