
Recipes for reproducing Analysis-Ready & Cloud Optimized (ARCO) ERA5 datasets.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Analysis-Ready, Cloud Optimized ERA5

Recipes for reproducing Analysis-Ready & Cloud Optimized (ARCO) ERA5 datasets.

IntroductionOverviewAnalysis Ready DataRaw Cloud Optimized DataProject roadmapHow to reproduceFAQsHow to cite this workLicense


Our goal is to make a global history of the climate highly accessible in the cloud. To that end, we present a curated copy of the ERA5 corpus in Google Cloud Public Datasets.

What is ERA5?

ERA5 is the fifth generation of ECMWF's Atmospheric Reanalysis. It spans atmospheric, land, and ocean variables. ERA5 is an hourly dataset with global coverage at 30km resolution (~0.28° x 0.28°), ranging from 1979 to the present. The total ERA5 dataset is about 5 petabytes in size.

Check out ECMWF's documentation on ERA5 for more.

What is a reanalysis?

A reanalysis is the "most complete picture currently possible of past weather and climate." Reanalyses are created from assimilation of a wide range of data sources via numerical weather prediction (NWP) models.

Read ECMWF's introduction to reanalysis for more.

So far, we have ingested meteorologically valuable variables for the land and atmosphere. From this, we have produced a cloud-optimized version of ERA5, in which we have converted grib data to Zarr with no other modifications. In addition, we have created "analysis-ready" versions on regular lat-lon grids, oriented towards common research & ML workflows.

This two-pronged approach for the data serves different user needs. Some researchers need full control over the interpolation of data for their analysis. Most will want a batteries-included dataset, where standard pre-processing and chunk optimization is already applied. In general, we ensure that every step in this pipeline is open and reproducible, to provide transparency in the provenance of all data.


Location Type Description
$BUCKET/ar/ Analysis Ready An ML-ready, unified (surface & atmospheric) version of the data in Zarr.
$BUCKET/co/ Cloud Optimized A port of gaussian-gridded ERA5 data to Zarr.
$BUCKET/raw/ Raw Data All raw grib & NetCDF data.

Files are updated from ECMWF on a monthly cadence (on roughly the 9th of each month) with a 3 month delay, which avoids including preliminary versions of ERA5. The date of the latest available data can be found by inspecting the "time" axis of each Zarr store.

Analysis Ready Data

These datasets have been regridded to a uniform 0.25° equiangular horizontal resolution to facilitate downstream analyses, e.g., with WeatherBench2.

0.25° Pressure and Surface Level Data

This dataset contains most pressure-level fields and all surface-level field regridded to a uniform 0.25° resolution. It is a superset of the data used to train GraphCast and NeuralGCM.

import xarray

ar_full_37_1h = xarray.open_zarr(
  • Times: 00/to/23
  • Levels: 1/2/3/5/7/10/20/30/50/70/100/125/150/175/200/225/250/300/350/400/450/500/550/600/650/700/750/775/800/825/850/875/900/925/950/975/1000
  • Grid: equiangular lat-lon
  • Size: 2.05 PB
  • Chunking: {'time': 1, 'latitude': 721, 'longitude': 1440, 'level': 37}
  • Chunk size (per variable): 154 MB
Data summary table
name short name units docs
100m_u_component_of_wind u100 m s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228246
100m_v_component_of_wind v100 m s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228247
10m_u_component_of_neutral_wind u10n m s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228131
10m_u_component_of_wind u10 m s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/165
10m_v_component_of_neutral_wind v10n m s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228132
10m_v_component_of_wind v10 m s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/166
10m_wind_gust_since_previous_post_processing fg10 m s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/175049
2m_dewpoint_temperature d2m K https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/500018
2m_temperature t2m K https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/500013
air_density_over_the_oceans p140209 kg m**-3 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140209
angle_of_sub_gridscale_orography anor radians https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162
anisotropy_of_sub_gridscale_orography isor ~ https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/161
benjamin_feir_index bfi dimensionless https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140253
boundary_layer_dissipation bld J m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/145
boundary_layer_height blh m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/159
charnock chnk ~ https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/148
clear_sky_direct_solar_radiation_at_surface cdir J m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228022
cloud_base_height cbh m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228023
coefficient_of_drag_with_waves cdww dimensionless https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140233
convective_available_potential_energy cape J kg**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/59
convective_inhibition cin J kg**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228001
convective_precipitation cp m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228143
convective_rain_rate crr kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228218
convective_snowfall csf m of water equivalent https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/239
convective_snowfall_rate_water_equivalent csfr kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228220
downward_uv_radiation_at_the_surface uvb J m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/57
duct_base_height dctb m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228017
eastward_gravity_wave_surface_stress lgws N m**-2 s https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/195
eastward_turbulent_surface_stress ewss N m**-2 s https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/180
evaporation e m of water equivalent https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/182
forecast_albedo fal (0 - 1) https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/243
forecast_logarithm_of_surface_roughness_for_heat flsr ~ https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/245
forecast_surface_roughness fsr m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/244
fraction_of_cloud_cover cc (0 - 1) https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/248
free_convective_velocity_over_the_oceans p140208 m s**-1
friction_velocity zust m s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228003
geopotential_at_surface z m2 s-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/129
gravity_wave_dissipation gwd J m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/197
high_cloud_cover hcc (0 - 1) https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/3075
high_vegetation_cover cvh (0 - 1) https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/28
ice_temperature_layer_1 istl1 K https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/35
ice_temperature_layer_2 istl2 K https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/36
ice_temperature_layer_3 istl3 K https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/37
ice_temperature_layer_4 istl4 K https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/38
instantaneous_10m_wind_gust i10fg m s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228029
instantaneous_eastward_turbulent_surface_stress iews N m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/229
instantaneous_large_scale_surface_precipitation_fraction ilspf (0 - 1) https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228217
instantaneous_moisture_flux ie kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/232
instantaneous_northward_turbulent_surface_stress inss N m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/230
instantaneous_surface_sensible_heat_flux ishf W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/231
k_index kx K https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/260121
lake_bottom_temperature lblt K https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228010
lake_cover cl (0 - 1) https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/26
lake_depth dl m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228007
lake_ice_depth licd m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228014
lake_ice_temperature lict K https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228013
lake_mix_layer_depth lmld m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228009
lake_mix_layer_temperature lmlt K https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228008
lake_shape_factor lshf dimensionless https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228012
lake_total_layer_temperature ltlt K https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228011
land_sea_mask lsm (0 - 1) https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/172
large_scale_precipitation lsp m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/3062
large_scale_precipitation_fraction lspf s https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/50
large_scale_rain_rate lsrr kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228219
large_scale_snowfall lsf m of water equivalent https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/240
large_scale_snowfall_rate_water_equivalent lssfr kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228221
leaf_area_index_high_vegetation lai_hv m2 m-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/67
leaf_area_index_low_vegetation lai_lv m2 m-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/66
low_cloud_cover lcc (0 - 1) https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/3073
low_vegetation_cover cvl (0 - 1) https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/27
maximum_2m_temperature_since_previous_post_processing mx2t K https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/201
maximum_individual_wave_height hmax m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140218
maximum_total_precipitation_rate_since_previous_post_processing mxtpr kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228226
mean_boundary_layer_dissipation mbld W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235032
mean_convective_precipitation_rate mcpr kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235030
mean_convective_snowfall_rate mcsr kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235056
mean_direction_of_total_swell mdts degrees https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140238
mean_direction_of_wind_waves mdww degrees https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/500072
mean_eastward_gravity_wave_surface_stress megwss N m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235045
mean_eastward_turbulent_surface_stress metss N m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235041
mean_evaporation_rate mer kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235043
mean_gravity_wave_dissipation mgwd W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235047
mean_large_scale_precipitation_fraction mlspf Proportion https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235026
mean_large_scale_precipitation_rate mlspr kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235029
mean_large_scale_snowfall_rate mlssr kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235057
mean_northward_gravity_wave_surface_stress mngwss N m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235046
mean_northward_turbulent_surface_stress mntss N m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235042
mean_period_of_total_swell mpts s https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140239
mean_period_of_wind_waves mpww s https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/500074
mean_potential_evaporation_rate mper kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235070
mean_runoff_rate mror kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235048
mean_sea_level_pressure msl Pa https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/151
mean_snow_evaporation_rate mser kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235023
mean_snowfall_rate msr kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235031
mean_snowmelt_rate msmr kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235024
mean_square_slope_of_waves msqs dimensionless https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140244
mean_sub_surface_runoff_rate mssror kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235021
mean_surface_direct_short_wave_radiation_flux msdrswrf W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235058
mean_surface_direct_short_wave_radiation_flux_clear_sky msdrswrfcs W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235059
mean_surface_downward_long_wave_radiation_flux msdwlwrf W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235036
mean_surface_downward_long_wave_radiation_flux_clear_sky msdwlwrfcs W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235069
mean_surface_downward_short_wave_radiation_flux msdwswrf W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235035
mean_surface_downward_short_wave_radiation_flux_clear_sky msdwswrfcs W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235068
mean_surface_downward_uv_radiation_flux msdwuvrf W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235027
mean_surface_latent_heat_flux mslhf W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235034
mean_surface_net_long_wave_radiation_flux msnlwrf W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235038
mean_surface_net_long_wave_radiation_flux_clear_sky msnlwrfcs W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235052
mean_surface_net_short_wave_radiation_flux msnswrf W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235037
mean_surface_net_short_wave_radiation_flux_clear_sky msnswrfcs W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235051
mean_surface_runoff_rate msror kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235020
mean_surface_sensible_heat_flux msshf W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235033
mean_top_downward_short_wave_radiation_flux mtdwswrf W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235053
mean_top_net_long_wave_radiation_flux mtnlwrf W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235040
mean_top_net_long_wave_radiation_flux_clear_sky mtnlwrfcs W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235050
mean_top_net_short_wave_radiation_flux mtnswrf W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235039
mean_top_net_short_wave_radiation_flux_clear_sky mtnswrfcs W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235049
mean_total_precipitation_rate mtpr kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235055
mean_vertical_gradient_of_refractivity_inside_trapping_layer dndza m**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228016
mean_vertically_integrated_moisture_divergence mvimd kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235054
mean_wave_direction mwd Degree true https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/500185
mean_wave_direction_of_first_swell_partition p140122 degrees https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140122
mean_wave_direction_of_second_swell_partition p140125 degrees https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140125
mean_wave_direction_of_third_swell_partition p140128 degrees https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140128
mean_wave_period mwp s https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140232
mean_wave_period_based_on_first_moment mp1 s https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140220
mean_wave_period_based_on_first_moment_for_swell p1ps s https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140226
mean_wave_period_based_on_first_moment_for_wind_waves p1ww s https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140223
mean_wave_period_based_on_second_moment_for_swell p2ps s https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140227
mean_wave_period_based_on_second_moment_for_wind_waves p2ww s https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140224
mean_wave_period_of_first_swell_partition p140123 s https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140123
mean_wave_period_of_second_swell_partition p140126 s https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140126
mean_wave_period_of_third_swell_partition p140129 s https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140129
mean_zero_crossing_wave_period mp2 s https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140221
medium_cloud_cover mcc (0 - 1) https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/3074
minimum_2m_temperature_since_previous_post_processing mn2t K https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/202
minimum_total_precipitation_rate_since_previous_post_processing mntpr kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228227
minimum_vertical_gradient_of_refractivity_inside_trapping_layer dndzn m**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228015
model_bathymetry wmb m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140219
near_ir_albedo_for_diffuse_radiation alnid (0 - 1) https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/18
near_ir_albedo_for_direct_radiation alnip (0 - 1) https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/17
normalized_energy_flux_into_ocean phioc dimensionless https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140212
normalized_energy_flux_into_waves phiaw dimensionless https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140211
normalized_stress_into_ocean tauoc dimensionless https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140214
northward_gravity_wave_surface_stress mgws N m**-2 s https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/196
northward_turbulent_surface_stress nsss N m**-2 s https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/181
ocean_surface_stress_equivalent_10m_neutral_wind_direction dwi degrees https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140249
ocean_surface_stress_equivalent_10m_neutral_wind_speed wind m s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140245
ozone_mass_mixing_ratio o3 kg kg**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/500242
peak_wave_period pp1d s https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/500190
period_corresponding_to_maximum_individual_wave_height tmax s https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140217
potential_evaporation pev m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228251
potential_vorticity pv K m2 kg-1 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/60
precipitation_type ptype code table (4.201) https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/260015
runoff ro m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228205
sea_ice_cover siconc (0 - 1) https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/262001
sea_surface_temperature sst K https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/151159
significant_height_of_combined_wind_waves_and_swell swh m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/500071
significant_height_of_total_swell shts m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140237
significant_height_of_wind_waves shww m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/500073
significant_wave_height_of_first_swell_partition p140121 m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140121
significant_wave_height_of_second_swell_partition p140124 m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140124
significant_wave_height_of_third_swell_partition p140127 m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140127
skin_reservoir_content src m of water equivalent https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/198
skin_temperature skt K https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/235
slope_of_sub_gridscale_orography slor ~ https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/163
snow_albedo asn (0 - 1) https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228032
snow_density rsn kg m**-3 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/33
snow_depth sd m of water equivalent https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228141
snow_evaporation es m of water equivalent https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/44
snowfall sf m of water equivalent https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228144
snowmelt smlt m of water equivalent https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/45
soil_temperature_level_1 stl1 K https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/139
soil_temperature_level_2 stl2 K https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/170
soil_temperature_level_3 stl3 K https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/183
soil_temperature_level_4 stl4 K https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/236
soil_type slt ~ https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/43
specific_cloud_ice_water_content ciwc kg kg**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/247
specific_cloud_liquid_water_content clwc kg kg**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/246
specific_humidity q kg kg**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/133
standard_deviation_of_filtered_subgrid_orography sdfor m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/74
standard_deviation_of_orography sdor m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/160
sub_surface_runoff ssro m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/9
surface_latent_heat_flux slhf J m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/147
surface_net_solar_radiation ssr J m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/180176
surface_net_solar_radiation_clear_sky ssrc J m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/210
surface_net_thermal_radiation str J m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/180177
surface_net_thermal_radiation_clear_sky strc J m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/211
surface_pressure sp Pa https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/500026
surface_runoff sro m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/174008
surface_sensible_heat_flux sshf J m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/146
surface_solar_radiation_downward_clear_sky ssrdc J m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228129
surface_solar_radiation_downwards ssrd J m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/169
surface_thermal_radiation_downward_clear_sky strdc J m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228130
surface_thermal_radiation_downwards strd J m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/175
temperature t K https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/500014
temperature_of_snow_layer tsn K https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/238
toa_incident_solar_radiation tisr J m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/212
top_net_solar_radiation tsr J m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/180178
top_net_solar_radiation_clear_sky tsrc J m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/208
top_net_thermal_radiation ttr J m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/180179
top_net_thermal_radiation_clear_sky ttrc J m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/209
total_cloud_cover tcc (0 - 1) https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228164
total_column_cloud_ice_water tciw kg m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/79
total_column_cloud_liquid_water tclw kg m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/78
total_column_ozone tco3 kg m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/206
total_column_rain_water tcrw kg m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228089
total_column_snow_water tcsw kg m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228090
total_column_supercooled_liquid_water tcslw kg m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228088
total_column_water tcw kg m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/136
total_column_water_vapour tcwv kg m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/137
total_precipitation tp m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228228
total_sky_direct_solar_radiation_at_surface fdir J m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228021
total_totals_index totalx K https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/260123
trapping_layer_base_height tplb m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228018
trapping_layer_top_height tplt m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228019
type_of_high_vegetation tvh ~ https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/30
type_of_low_vegetation tvl ~ https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/29
u_component_of_wind u m s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/500028
u_component_stokes_drift ust m s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140215
uv_visible_albedo_for_diffuse_radiation aluvd (0 - 1) https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/16
uv_visible_albedo_for_direct_radiation aluvp (0 - 1) https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/15
v_component_of_wind v m s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/500030
v_component_stokes_drift vst m s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140216
vertical_integral_of_divergence_of_cloud_frozen_water_flux p80.162 kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162057
vertical_integral_of_divergence_of_cloud_liquid_water_flux p79.162 kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162056
vertical_integral_of_divergence_of_geopotential_flux p85.162 W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162085
vertical_integral_of_divergence_of_kinetic_energy_flux p82.162 W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162082
vertical_integral_of_divergence_of_mass_flux p81.162 kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162081
vertical_integral_of_divergence_of_moisture_flux p84.162 kg m**-2 s**-1
vertical_integral_of_divergence_of_ozone_flux p87.162 kg m**-2 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162087
vertical_integral_of_divergence_of_thermal_energy_flux p83.162 W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162083
vertical_integral_of_divergence_of_total_energy_flux p86.162 W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162086
vertical_integral_of_eastward_cloud_frozen_water_flux p90.162 kg m**-1 s**-1
vertical_integral_of_eastward_cloud_liquid_water_flux p88.162 kg m**-1 s**-1
vertical_integral_of_eastward_geopotential_flux p73.162 W m**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162073
vertical_integral_of_eastward_heat_flux p69.162 W m**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162069
vertical_integral_of_eastward_kinetic_energy_flux p67.162 W m**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162067
vertical_integral_of_eastward_mass_flux p65.162 kg m**-1 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162065
vertical_integral_of_eastward_ozone_flux p77.162 kg m**-1 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162077
vertical_integral_of_eastward_total_energy_flux p75.162 W m**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162075
vertical_integral_of_eastward_water_vapour_flux p71.162 kg m**-1 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162071
vertical_integral_of_energy_conversion p64.162 W m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162064
vertical_integral_of_kinetic_energy p59.162 J m**-2
vertical_integral_of_mass_of_atmosphere p53.162 kg m**-2
vertical_integral_of_mass_tendency p92.162 kg m**-2 s**-1
vertical_integral_of_northward_cloud_frozen_water_flux p91.162 kg m**-1 s**-1
vertical_integral_of_northward_cloud_liquid_water_flux p89.162 kg m**-1 s**-1
vertical_integral_of_northward_geopotential_flux p74.162 W m**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162074
vertical_integral_of_northward_heat_flux p70.162 W m**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162070
vertical_integral_of_northward_kinetic_energy_flux p68.162 W m**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162068
vertical_integral_of_northward_mass_flux p66.162 kg m**-1 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162066
vertical_integral_of_northward_ozone_flux p78.162 kg m**-1 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162078
vertical_integral_of_northward_total_energy_flux p76.162 W m**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162076
vertical_integral_of_northward_water_vapour_flux p72.162 kg m**-1 s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162072
vertical_integral_of_potential_and_internal_energy p61.162 J m**-2
vertical_integral_of_potential_internal_and_latent_energy p62.162 J m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162062
vertical_integral_of_temperature p54.162 K kg m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/162054
vertical_integral_of_thermal_energy p60.162 J m**-2
vertical_integral_of_total_energy p63.162 J m**-2
vertical_velocity w Pa s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/500032
vertically_integrated_moisture_divergence vimd kg m**-2 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/213
volumetric_soil_water_layer_1 swvl1 m3 m-3 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/39
volumetric_soil_water_layer_2 swvl2 m3 m-3 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/40
volumetric_soil_water_layer_3 swvl3 m3 m-3 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/41
volumetric_soil_water_layer_4 swvl4 m3 m-3 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/42
wave_spectral_directional_width wdw radians https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140222
wave_spectral_directional_width_for_swell dwps radians https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140228
wave_spectral_directional_width_for_wind_waves dwww radians https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140225
wave_spectral_kurtosis wsk dimensionless https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140252
wave_spectral_peakedness wsp dimensionless https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140254
wave_spectral_skewness wss dimensionless https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/140207
zero_degree_level deg0l m https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/228024

0.25° Model Level Data

This dataset contains 3D fields at 0.25° resolution with ERA5's native vertical coordinates (hybrid pressure/sigma coordinates).

import xarray

ar_native_vertical_grid_data = xarray.open_zarr(

It can combined with surface-level variables from the 0.25° pressure- and surface-level dataset:

ar_full_37_1h = xarray.open_zarr(
ar_model_level_and_surface_data = xarray.merge([
    ar_native_vertical_grid_data, ar_full_37_1h.drop_dims('level')
  • Times: 00/to/23
  • Levels: 1/to/137
  • Grid: equiangular lat-lon
  • Size: 5.88 PB
  • Chunking: {'time': 1, 'hybrid': 18, 'latitude': 721, 'longitude': 1440}
  • Chunk size (per variable): 74.8 MB
Data summary table
name short name units docs config
vorticity (relative) vo s^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=138 era5_ml_dve.cfg
divergence d s^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=155 era5_ml_dve.cfg
geopotential z m^2 s^-2 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-dbid=129 era5_sfc.cfg
temperature t K https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=130 era5_ml_tw.cfg
vertical velocity w Pa s^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=135 era5_ml_tw.cfg
specific humidity q kg kg^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=133 era5_ml_o3q.cfg
ozone mass mixing ratio o3 kg kg^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=203 era5_ml_o3q.cfg
specific cloud liquid water content clwc kg kg^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=246 era5_ml_o3q.cfg
specific cloud ice water content ciwc kg kg^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=247 era5_ml_o3q.cfg
fraction of cloud cover cc (0 - 1) https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=248 era5_ml_o3q.cfg
specific rain water content crwc kg kg^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=75 era5_ml_qrqs.cfg
specific snow water content cswc kg kg^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=76 era5_ml_qrqs.cfg
u component of wind u m s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/500028 era5_pl_hourly.cfg
v component of wind v m s**-1 https://codes.ecmwf.int/grib/param-db/500030 era5_pl_hourly.cfg

Raw Cloud Optimized Data

These datasets contain the raw data used to produce the Analysis Ready data. Whenever possible, parameters are represented by their native grid resolution See this ECMWF documentation for more.

Please view out our walkthrough notebook for a demo of these cloud-optimized datasets.

Model Level Wind

This dataset contains model-level wind fields on ERA5's native grid, as spherical harmonic coefficients.

import xarray

model_level_wind = xarray.open_zarr(
  • Levels: 1/to/137
  • Times: 00/to/23
  • Grid: T639 spherical harmonic coefficients (docs)
  • Size: 664 TB
  • Chunking: {'time': 1, 'hybrid': 1, 'values': 410240}
  • Chunk size (per variable): 1.64 MB
Data summary table
name short name units docs config
vorticity (relative) vo s^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=138 era5_ml_dve.cfg
divergence d s^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=155 era5_ml_dve.cfg
temperature t K https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=130 era5_ml_tw.cfg
vertical velocity w Pa s^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=135 era5_ml_tw.cfg

Model Level Moisture

This dataset contains model-level moisture fields on ERA5's native reduced Gaussian grid.

import xarray

model_level_moisture = xr.open_zarr(
  • Levels: 1/to/137
  • Times: 00/to/23
  • Grid: N320, a Reduced Gaussian Grid (docs)
  • Size: 1.54 PB
  • Chunking: {'time': 1, 'hybrid': 1, 'values': 542080}
  • Chunk size (per variable): 2.17 MB
Data summary table
name short name units docs config
specific humidity q kg kg^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=133 era5_ml_o3q.cfg
ozone mass mixing ratio o3 kg kg^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=203 era5_ml_o3q.cfg
specific cloud liquid water content clwc kg kg^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=246 era5_ml_o3q.cfg
specific cloud ice water content ciwc kg kg^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=247 era5_ml_o3q.cfg
fraction of cloud cover cc (0 - 1) https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=248 era5_ml_o3q.cfg
specific rain water content crwc kg kg^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=75 era5_ml_qrqs.cfg
specific snow water content cswc kg kg^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=76 era5_ml_qrqs.cfg

Single Level Surface

This dataset contains single-level renanalysis fields on ERA5's native grid, as spherical harmonic coefficients.

import xarray

single_level_surface = xarray.open_zarr(
  • Times: 00/to/23
  • Grid: TL639 spherical harmonic coefficients (docs)
  • Size: 2.42 TB
  • Chunking: {'time': 1, 'values': 410240}
  • Chunk size (per variable): 1.64 MB
Data summary table
name short name units docs config
logarithm of surface pressure lnsp Numeric https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=152 era5_ml_lnsp.cfg
surface geopotential zs m^2 s^-2 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=162051 era5_ml_zs.cfg

Single Level Reanalysis

This dataset contains single-level renanalysis fields on ERA5's native reduced Gaussian grid.

import xarray

single_level_reanalysis = xarray.open_zarr(
  • Times: 00/to/23
  • Grid: N320, a Reduced Gaussian Grid (docs)
  • Size: 60.9 TB
  • Chunking: {'time': 1, 'values': 542080}
  • Chunk size (per variable): 2.17 MB
Data summary table
name short name units docs config
convective available potential energy cape J kg^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=59 era5_sfc_cape.cfg
total column cloud ice water tciw kg m^-2 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=79 era5_sfc_cape.cfg
vertical integral of divergence of cloud frozen water flux wiiwd kg m^-2 s^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=162080 era5_sfc_cape.cfg
100 metre U wind component 100u m s^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=228246 era5_sfc_cape.cfg
100 metre V wind component 100v m s^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=228247 era5_sfc_cape.cfg
sea ice area fraction ci (0 - 1) https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=31 era5_sfc_cisst.cfg
sea surface temperature sst Pa https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=34 era5_sfc_cisst.cfg
skin temperature skt K https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=235 era5_sfc_cisst.cfg
soil temperature level 1 stl1 K https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=139 era5_sfc_soil.cfg
soil temperature level 2 stl2 K https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=170 era5_sfc_soil.cfg
soil temperature level 3 stl3 K https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=183 era5_sfc_soil.cfg
soil temperature level 4 stl4 K https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=236 era5_sfc_soil.cfg
temperature of snow layer tsn K https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=238 era5_sfc_soil.cfg
volumetric soil water layer 1 swvl1 m^3 m^-3 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=39 era5_sfc_soil.cfg
volumetric soil water layer 2 swvl2 m^3 m^-3 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=40 era5_sfc_soil.cfg
volumetric soil water layer 3 swvl3 m^3 m^-3 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=41 era5_sfc_soil.cfg
volumetric soil water layer 4 swvl4 m^3 m^-3 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=42 era5_sfc_soil.cfg
ice temperature layer 1 istl1 K https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=35 era5_sfc_soil.cfg
ice temperature layer 2 istl2 K https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=36 era5_sfc_soil.cfg
ice temperature layer 3 istl3 K https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=37 era5_sfc_soil.cfg
ice temperature layer 4 istl4 K https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=38 era5_sfc_soil.cfg
total column cloud liquid water tclw kg m^-2 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=78 era5_sfc_tcol.cfg
total column rain water tcrw kg m^-2 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=228089 era5_sfc_tcol.cfg
total column snow water tcsw kg m^-2 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=228090 era5_sfc_tcol.cfg
total column water tcw kg m^-2 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=136 era5_sfc_tcol.cfg
total column vertically-integrated water vapour tcwv kg m^-2 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=137 era5_sfc_tcol.cfg
Geopotential z m^2 s^-2 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-dbid=129 era5_sfc.cfg
Surface pressure sp Pa https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=134 era5_sfc.cfg
Total column vertically-integrated water vapour tcwv kg m^-2 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=137 era5_sfc.cfg
Mean sea level pressure msl Pa https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=151 era5_sfc.cfg
Total cloud cover tcc (0 - 1) https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=164 era5_sfc.cfg
10 metre U wind component 10u m s^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=165 era5_sfc.cfg
10 metre V wind component 10v m s^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=166 era5_sfc.cfg
2 metre temperature 2t K https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=167 era5_sfc.cfg
2 metre dewpoint temperature 2d K https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=168 era5_sfc.cfg
Low cloud cover lcc (0 - 1) https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=186 era5_sfc.cfg
Medium cloud cover mcc (0 - 1) https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=187 era5_sfc.cfg
High cloud cover hcc (0 - 1) https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=188 era5_sfc.cfg
100 metre U wind component 100u m s^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=228246 era5_sfc.cfg
100 metre V wind component 100v m s^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=228247 era5_sfc.cfg

Single Level Forecast

This dataset contains single-level forecast fields on ERA5's native reduced Gaussian grid.

import xarray

single_level_forecasts = xarray.open_zarr(
  • Times: 06:00/18:00
  • Steps: 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18
  • Grid: N320, a Reduced Gaussian Grid (docs)
  • Size: 53.2 TB
  • Chunking: {'time': 1, 'step': 1, 'values': 542080}
  • Chunk size (per variable): 2.17 MB
Data summary table
name short name units docs config
snow density rsn kg m^-3 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=33 era5_sfc_pcp.cfg
snow evaporation es m of water equivalent https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=44 era5_sfc_pcp.cfg
snow melt smlt m of water equivalent https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=45 era5_sfc_pcp.cfg
large-scale precipitation fraction lspf s https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=50 era5_sfc_pcp.cfg
snow depth sd m of water equivalent https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=141 era5_sfc_pcp.cfg
large-scale precipitation lsp m https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=142 era5_sfc_pcp.cfg
convective precipitation cp m https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=143 era5_sfc_pcp.cfg
snowfall sf m of water equivalent https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=144 era5_sfc_pcp.cfg
convective rain rate crr kg m^-2 s^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=228218 era5_sfc_pcp.cfg
large scale rain rate lsrr kg m^-2 s^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=228219 era5_sfc_pcp.cfg
convective snowfall rate water equivalent csfr kg m^-2 s^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=228220 era5_sfc_pcp.cfg
large scale snowfall rate water equivalent lssfr kg m^-2 s^-1 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=228221 era5_sfc_pcp.cfg
total precipitation tp m https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=228 era5_sfc_pcp.cfg
convective snowfall csf m of water equivalent https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=239 era5_sfc_pcp.cfg
large-scale snowfall lsf m of water equivalent https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=240 era5_sfc_pcp.cfg
precipitation type ptype code table (4.201) https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=260015 era5_sfc_pcp.cfg
surface solar radiation downwards ssrd J m^-2 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=169 era5_sfc_rad.cfg
top net thermal radiation ttr J m^-2 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=179 era5_sfc_rad.cfg
gravity wave dissipation gwd J m^-2 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=197 era5_sfc_rad.cfg
surface thermal radiation downwards strd J m^-2 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=175 era5_sfc_rad.cfg
surface net thermal radiation str J m^-2 https://apps.ecmwf.int/codes/grib/param-db?id=177 era5_sfc_rad.cfg

Project roadmap

Updated on 2024-06-25

  1. Phase 0: Ingest raw ERA5
  2. Phase 1: Cloud-Optimize to Zarr, without data modifications
    1. Use Pangeo-Forge to convert the data from grib to Zarr.
    2. Create example notebooks for common workflows, including regridding and variable derivation.
  3. Phase 2: Produce an Analysis-Ready corpus
    1. Update GCP CPDs documentation.
    2. Create walkthrough notebooks.
  4. Phase 3: Automatic dataset updates, data is back-fillable.
  5. WIP Phase 4: Mirror ERA5 data in Google BigQuery.
  6. Phase 5: Derive a high-resolution version of ERA5
    1. Regrid datasets to lat/long grids.
    2. Convert model levels to pressure levels (at high resolution).
    3. Compute derived variables.
    4. Expand on example notebooks.

How to reproduce

All phases of this dataset can be reproduced with scripts found here. To run them, please clone the repo and install the project.

git clone https://github.com/google-research/arco-era5.git

Or, via SSH:

git clone git@github.com:google-research/arco-era5.git

Then, install with pip:

cd arco-era5
pip install -e .

Acquire & preprocess raw data

Please consult the instructions described in raw/.


All our tools make use of Apache Beam, and thus are portable to any cloud (or Runner). We use GCP's Dataflow to produce this dataset. If you would like to reproduce the project this way, we recommend the following:

  1. Ensure you have access to a GCP project with GCS read & write access, as well as full Dataflow permissions (see these "Before you begin" instructions).
  2. Export the following variables:
    export PROJECT=<your-gcp-project>
    export REGION=us-central1
    export BUCKET=<your-beam-runner-bucket>

From here, we provide examples of how to run the recipes at the top of each script.

pydoc src/single-levels-to-zarr.py
pydoc src/ar-to-zarr.py

You can also discover available command line options by invoking the script with -h/--help:

python src/model-levels-to-zarr.py --help

Automating dataset Updates in zarr and BigQuery

This feature is works in 4 parts.

  1. Acquiring raw data from CDS, facilitated by weather-dl tool.
  2. Splitting raw data using weather-sp.
  3. Ingest this splitted data into a zarr file.
  4. [WIP] Ingest AR data into BigQuery with the assistance of the weather-mv.

How to Run.

  1. Set up a Cloud project with sufficient permissions to use cloud storage (such as GCS) and a Beam runner (such as Dataflow).

    Note: Other cloud systems should work too, such as S3 and Elastic Map Reduce. However, these are untested. If you experience an error here, please let us know by filing an issue.

  2. Acquire one or more licenses from Copernicus.

  3. Add the all Copernicus licenses into the secret-manager with value likes this: {"api_url": "URL", "api_key": "KEY"}

    NOTE: for every API_KEY there must be unique secret-key.

  4. Update all of these variable in docker-file.

    • REGION
    • BUCKET
    • API_KEY_*
    • In case of multiple API keys, API_KEY must follow this format: API_KEY_*. here * can be numeric value i.e. 1, 2.
    • API_KEY_* value is the resource name of secret-manager key and it's value looks like this :: projects/PROJECT_NAME/secrets/SECRET_KEY_NAME/versions/1
    • BQ_TABLES_LIST is list of the BigQuery table in which data is ingested and it's value is like this :: '["PROJECT.DATASET.TABLE1", "PROJECT.DATASET.TABLE2", ..., "PROJECT.DATASET.TABLE6"]'.
    • REGION_LIST is list of the GCP_region in which the job of ingestion will run :: '["us-east1", "us-west4",..., "us-west2"]'.
    • Size of BQ_TABLES_LIST and REGION_LIST must be 6 as total 6 zarr file processed in the current pipeline and also, data ingestion in Bigquery are corresponding to ZARR_FILES_LIST of raw-to-zarr-to-bq.py so add table name in BQ_TABLES_LIST accordingly.
  5. Create docker image.

export PROJECT_ID=<your-project-here>
export REPO=<repo> eg:arco-era5-raw-to-zarr-to-bq

gcloud builds submit . --tag "gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/$REPO:latest" 
  1. Create a VM using above created docker-image
export ZONE=<zone> eg: us-central1-a
export SERVICE_ACCOUNT=<service account> # Let's keep this as Compute Engine Default Service Account
export IMAGE_PATH=<container-image-path> # The above created image-path

gcloud compute instances create-with-container arco-era5-raw-to-zarr-to-bq \ --project=$PROJECT_ID \
--zone=$ZONE \
--machine-type=n2-standard-4 \
--network-interface=network-tier=PREMIUM,subnet=default \
--maintenance-policy=MIGRATE \
--provisioning-model=STANDARD \
--service-account=$SERVICE_ACCOUNT \
--scopes=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform \
--image=projects/cos-cloud/global/images/cos-stable-109-17800-0-45 \
--boot-disk-size=200GB \
--boot-disk-type=pd-balanced \
--boot-disk-device-name=arco-era5-raw-to-zarr-to-bq \
--container-image=$IMAGE_PATH \
--container-restart-policy=on-failure \
--container-tty \
--no-shielded-secure-boot \
--shielded-vtpm \
--shielded-integrity-monitoring \
--labels=goog-ec-src=vm_add-gcloud,container-vm=cos-stable-109-17800-0-45 \
  1. Once VM is created, the script will execute on 7th day of every month as this is default set in the cron-file.Also you can see the logs after connecting to VM through SSH.

Log will be shown at this(/var/log/cron.log) file. Better if we SSH after 5-10 minutes of VM creation.

Making the dataset "High Resolution" & beyond...

This phase of the project is under active development! If you would like to lend a hand in any way, please check out our contributing guide.


How did you pick these variables?

This dataset originated in Loon, Alphabet’s project to deliver internet service using stratospheric balloons, and is now curated by Google Research & Google Cloud Platform. Loon’s Planning, Simulation and Control team needed accurate data on how the stratospheric winds have behaved in the past to evaluate the effectiveness of different balloon steering algorithms over a range of weather. This led us to download the model-level data. But Loon also needed information about the atmospheric radiation to model balloon gas temperatures, so we downloaded that. And then we downloaded the most commonly used meteorological variables to support different product planning needs (RF propagation models, etc)...

Eventually, we found ourselves with a comprehensive history of weather for the world.

Where are the U/V components of wind? Where is geopotential height? Why isn’t X variable in this dataset?

We intentionally did not include many variables that can be derived from other variables. For example, U/V components of wind can be computed from divergence and vorticity; geopotential is a vertical integral of temperature.

In the second phase of our roadmap (towards "Analysis Ready" data), we aim to compute all of these variables ourselves. If you’d like to make use of these parameters sooner, please check out our example notebooks where we demo common calculations. If you notice non-derived missing data, such as surface variables, please let us know of your needs by filing an issue, and we will be happy to incorporate them into our roadmap.

Do you have plans to get all of ERA5?

We aim to support hosting data that serves general meteorological use cases, rather than aim for total completeness. Wave variables are missing from this corpus, and are a priority on our roadmap. If there is a variable or dataset that you think should be included here, please file a Github issue.

For a complete ERA5 mirror, we recommend consulting with the Pangeo Forge project (especially staged-recipes#92).

Why are there two model-level datasets and not one?

It definitely is possible for all model level data to be represented in one grid, and thus one dataset. However, we opted to preserve the native representation for variables in ECMWF's models. A handful of core model variables (wind, temperature and surface pressure) are represented as spectral harmonic coefficients , while everything else is stored on a Gaussian grid. This avoids introducing numerical error by interpolating these variables to physical space. For a more in depth review of this topic, please consult these references:

Please note: in a future releases, we intend to create a dataset version where all model levels are in one grid and Zarr.

Why doesn’t this project make use of Pangeo Forge Cloud?

We are big fans of the Pangeo Forge project, and of Pangeo in general. While this project does make use of their Recipes, we have a few reasons to not use their cloud. First, we would prefer to use internal rather than community resources for computations of this scale. In addition, there are several technical reasons why Pangeo Forge as it is today would not be able to handle this case (0, 1, 2, 3). To work around this, we opted to combine familiar-to-us infrastructure with Pangeo-Forge's core and to use the right tool for the right job.

Why use this dataset? What uses are there for the data?

ERA5 can be used in many applications. It can be used to train ML models that predict the impact of weather on different phenomena. ERA5 data could also be used to train and evaluate ML models that forecast the weather. The data could be used to compute climatologies, or the average weather for a region over a given period of time. ERA5 data can be used to visualize and study historical weather events, such as Hurricane Sandy.

Where should I be cautious? What are the limitations of the dataset?

Mumbai, India
Mumbai, India
San Francisco, USA
San Francisco, USA
Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo, Japan
ERA5 Topography
ERA5 Topography
GMTED2010 Topography
GMTED2010 Topography

It is important to remember that a reanalysis is an estimate of what the weather was, it is not guaranteed to be an error-free estimate. There are several areas where the novice reanalysis user should be careful.

First, the user should be careful using reanalysis data at locations near coastlines. The first figure shows the fraction of land (1 for land, 0 for ocean) of ERA5 grid points at different coastal locations. This is important because the land-surface model used in ERA5 tries to blend in the influence of water with the influence of land based on this fraction. The most visible effect of this blending is that as the fraction of land decreases, the daily variation in temperature will also decrease. Looking at the first figure, there are sharp changes in the fraction of land between neighboring grid cells so there could be differences in daily temperature range that might not be reflected in actual weather observations.

The user should also be careful when using reanalysis data in areas with large variations in topography. The second figure is a plot of ERA5 topography around Mount Everest compared with GMTED2010 topography. The ERA5 topography is completely missing the high peaks of the Everest region and missing most of the structure of the mountain valleys. Topography strongly influences temperature and precipitation rate, so it is possible that ERA5’s temperature is too warm and ERA5’s precipitation patterns could be wrong as well.

ERA5’s precipitation variables aren’t directly constrained by any observations, so we strongly encourage the user to check ERA5 against observed precipitation (for example, Wu et al., 2022). A study comparing reanalyses (not including ERA5) against gridded precipitation observations showed striking differences between reanalyses and observation Lisa V Alexander et al 2020 Environ. Res. Lett. 15 055002.

Can I use the data for {research,commercial} purposes?

Yes, you can use our ERA5 data according to the terms of the Copernicus license.

Researchers, see the next section for how to cite this work.

Commercial users, please be sure to provide acknowledgement to the Copernicus Climate Change Service according to the Copernicus Licence terms.

How to cite this work

Please cite our presentation at the 22nd Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Environmental Science describing ARCO-ERA5.

Carver, Robert W, and Merose, Alex. (2023):
ARCO-ERA5: An Analysis-Ready Cloud-Optimized Reanalysis Dataset.
22nd Conf. on AI for Env. Science, Denver, CO, Amer. Meteo. Soc, 4A.1,

In addition, please cite the ERA5 dataset accordingly:

Hersbach, H., Bell, B., Berrisford, P., Hirahara, S., Horányi, A., 
Muñoz‐Sabater, J., Nicolas, J., Peubey, C., Radu, R., Schepers, D., 
Simmons, A., Soci, C., Abdalla, S., Abellan, X., Balsamo, G., 
Bechtold, P., Biavati, G., Bidlot, J., Bonavita, M., De Chiara, G., 
Dahlgren, P., Dee, D., Diamantakis, M., Dragani, R., Flemming, J., 
Forbes, R., Fuentes, M., Geer, A., Haimberger, L., Healy, S., 
Hogan, R.J., Hólm, E., Janisková, M., Keeley, S., Laloyaux, P., 
Lopez, P., Lupu, C., Radnoti, G., de Rosnay, P., Rozum, I., Vamborg, F.,
Villaume, S., Thépaut, J-N. (2017): Complete ERA5: Fifth generation of 
ECMWF atmospheric reanalyses of the global climate. Copernicus Climate 
Change Service (C3S) Data Store (CDS). (Accessed on DD-MM-YYYY)

Hersbach et al, (2017) was downloaded from the Copernicus Climate Change 
Service (C3S) Climate Data Store. We thank C3S for allowing us to 
redistribute the data.

The results contain modified Copernicus Climate Change Service 
information 2022. Neither the European Commission nor ECMWF is 
responsible for any use that may be made of the Copernicus information 
or data it contains.


This is not an official Google product.

Copyright 2022 Google LLC

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.