ELECTRA: Pre-training Text Encoders as Discriminators Rather Than Generators
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Electric model release?
#142 opened by donglixp - 0
What is the maximum acceptance for the sentence length for the ELECTRA model?
#139 opened by saiefulEZO - 2
Sampling step?
#87 opened by anshulsamar - 3
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Cannot import trace from tensorflow.python.profiler
#132 opened by n-garc - 1
ValueError: Couldn't find 'checkpoint' file or checkpoints in given directory
#106 opened by etetteh - 5
ValueError: Must specify max_steps > 0, given: 0
#104 opened by etetteh - 1
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some confusions about paper
#124 opened by leileilin - 4
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Can I used in transformer for fine-tuning generator(mlm) of electra
#134 opened by ToanKGO - 1
How can I draw this?
#130 opened by zshy1205 - 1
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Tagging Task Segment ids
#131 opened by kamalkraj - 3
pretrain with multigpu
#107 opened by 652994331 - 0
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About the Electra paper
#128 opened by lgdgodv - 2
NumPy Import Error
#126 opened by tommybean - 2
Train electra with another tokenizer
#127 opened by upskyy - 1
no module named tensorflow.contrib
#122 opened by sprajagopal - 0
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Electra Vocabulary
#123 opened by avinashsai - 0
A possible mistake in the FLOPs calculation of attn_output_layer_norm in the file
#121 opened by hrheru2021 - 2
Adversarially training
#117 opened by mshislam - 1
ELECTRA-base fine tuned on MNLI
#120 opened by ngoquanghuy99 - 2
what should i do to extract the electra discriminator
#119 opened by mmx1997 - 0
The exact English pretraining data and Chinese pretraining data that are exact same to the BERT paper's pretraining data.
#118 opened by guotong1988 - 5
Training on TPU got stuck
#112 opened by stefan-it - 0
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Typo in BERT Large flops computation
#115 opened by lucadiliello - 2
Electra-small embedding size
#105 opened by YovaKem - 0
What is ExampleBuilder and why?
#114 opened by miyamonz - 2
Exporting to SavedModel?
#108 opened by artmatsak - 0
change the dataset to MIDI
#113 opened by ashBaliga - 0
finetune models have relative bad performance when using my own base level pretrain models
#111 opened by 652994331 - 0
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Question: Same Batchsize on different TPU sizes
#89 opened by PhilipMay - 0
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Restoring ELECTRA-Small checkpoint into HuggingFace transformers model doesn't work properly
#94 opened by DevKretov - 5
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ValueError: Tensor conversion requested dtype string for Tensor with dtype float32: <tf.Tensor 'args_0:0' shape=() dtype=float32>
#101 opened by etetteh - 0
Can you share models trained with all weights tied?
#100 opened by YovaKem - 0
about tagging task
#99 opened by LastRyan - 1
Question about expected results
#98 opened by richarddwang - 0
How to Change Embedding Size of the Model?
#95 opened by FeryET - 0
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UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xd7 in position 0: invalid continuation byte (while running )
#90 opened by elyorman