A dataset of datasets for learning to learn from few examples
Jupyter NotebookApache-2.0
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Leaderboard DIPA [CVPR 2024]
#120 opened by rashindrie - 1
Using Dataset raised ValueError in episodic mode
#118 opened by SevenFo - 1
tensorflow_datasets.core.registered.DatasetNotFoundError: Dataset md_tfds not found.
#119 opened by dahyun-kang - 4
Meta-Dataset in TFDS: [F tensorflow/core/platform/default/] Check failed: ret == 0 (11 vs. 0)Thread tf_data_iterator_resource creation via pthread_create() failed.
#84 opened by jfb54 - 0
About 'Transformer' in CrossTransformer
#116 opened by WoshiBoluo - 0
Hyperparameters for MAML for meta data set (MDS)?
#115 opened by brando90 - 0
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how to compute data set size from tfrecords for meta data set mds (within python)?
#112 opened by brando90 - 2
tfds doesn't work to get meta-dataset data
#111 opened by brando90 - 1
mscoco url link invalid? BucketNotFoundException: 404 gs:// bucket does not exist.
#108 opened by brando90 - 3
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Why does meta-dataset need tfrecords and not use the normal image files or something else?
#107 opened by brando90 - 3
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may tensorflow-gpu version used be provided?
#102 opened by brando90 - 1
cannot install quickdraw
#104 opened by brando90 - 1
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How to visualize tfrecords-data?
#101 opened by t-tanakas - 2
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"simclr" missing
#96 opened by lourencobt - 2
sanity checks for image net?
#105 opened by brando90 - 0
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I've managed to prepare most of the datasets in tfrecords format except Aircraft
#91 opened by AntreasAntoniou - 0
How to generate gin configs
#100 opened by ZipingXu - 1
Problem of Fungi dataset conversion to records
#79 opened by hmcoo - 0
Cann't get
#99 opened by EllieSeven - 0
Import task_adaptation code
#97 opened by lourencobt - 0
About your own dataset
#95 opened by tutu-star - 1
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Baseline and pre-training on ImageNet
#90 opened by jishnujayakumar - 1
Dataset download: Couldn't extract ILSVRC2012_img_train/n????????.tar using the script in doc
#89 opened by letyrodridc - 0
Question: Class example sampler?
#88 opened by jishnujayakumar - 2
Meta-Dataset in TFDS: Getting as_numpy_iterator() from dataset returned from api.meta_dataset takes a very long time
#83 opened by jfb54 - 1
Typo in
#82 opened by jfb54 - 2
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Meta-Dataset in TFDS - Train on Meta-Dataset episodes - md_sources list is too large?
#81 opened by jfb54 - 2
Meta-Dataset in TFDS: read_episodes.read_vtab_as_episode should accept an argument for the path to the TensorFlow Datasets directory
#85 opened by jfb54 - 2
FLUTE Best .gin has missing values?
#80 opened by gstoica27 - 0
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Error on Analyze / Empty logits
#77 opened by FredOMad - 2
leaderboard tri-M ICCV21
#75 opened by csyanbin - 4
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Is CrossTransformer Config Still Working?
#72 opened by quantacode - 2
Is anyone doing experiments only on mini-Imagenet? I find it hard to converge
#67 opened by mellthebs - 1
Can't start training?
#71 opened by foreversolar - 0
Question about Figure1 in Paper "CrossTransformers: spatially-aware few-shot transfer"
#70 opened by haohang96 - 6
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Weird Type error when running meta-dataset.train to run the meta_dataset/learn/gin/default/baseline_cosine_imagenet.gin configuration file
#66 opened by brenowca - 0
Some question about Proto-MAML
#64 opened by Haoqing-Wang