Pix2Seq codebase: multi-tasks with generative modeling (autoregressive and diffusion)
Jupyter NotebookApache-2.0
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How to perform multi-task training?
#33 opened by JulioZhao97 - 0
scale factor b
#54 opened by zhangdan8962 - 1
- 6
All 3 colabs do not work out of the box
#34 opened by shamitb - 0
- 1
how to use this to generate image captioning
#21 opened by tingchihc - 2
Convert mask to polygon
#45 opened by zkyseu - 3
- 8
TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable
#23 opened by M-Amrollahi - 0
missing code for panoptic segmentation
#50 opened by abred - 0
'ImageFont' object has no attribute 'getsize'
#48 opened by JJJYmmm - 2
RIN training with float16/bfloat16
#47 opened by nicolas-dufour - 6
RIN results on CIFAR
#35 opened by nicolas-dufour - 2
multitask object detection result is wrong!
#41 opened by jiejie1993 - 0
- 0
- 1
How to prepare coco data in tfrecord format?
#43 opened by yangmin666 - 2
How much time needed in the VOS task?
#37 opened by isksjsksk - 1
Trouble training RIN on CIFAR-10
#42 opened by leon-w - 5
coco images downloading
#2 opened by Epiphqny - 2
ValueError: coco_object_detection not registered!
#40 opened by mimichu - 2
Generate different inference results
#39 opened by zkyseu - 0
- 0
- 9
training gets stuck
#1 opened by hust-nj - 1
Typo in the README
#32 opened by JackCai1206 - 6
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Input Sequence Box Augmentation
#30 opened by ShijieVVu - 3
Distance Measurement
#27 opened by hesamira - 0
Visualization of Attention map
#29 opened by willxxy - 5
Question about inference
#14 opened by ejlee95 - 0
Problem with installing packages
#25 opened by M-Amrollahi - 1
Video and webcam
#24 opened by hesamira - 1
Versions of libraries in the requirements.txt
#22 opened by xwjabc - 2
About ViT-B
#20 opened by jihaonew - 8
Hi ,i get the error msg like this :
#19 opened by ross-Hr - 2
The `response_seq_class_m` is used for the input sequence (why do the code randomly change the label of the Input Sequence),
#18 opened by huimlight - 3
Inconsistency between paper and code
#10 opened by zyc573823770 - 1
Input multiple sequences per image
#17 opened by qihao067 - 4
- 1
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Question about inference
#15 opened by SY-Xuan - 0
Coco-pretrained model
#13 opened by ejlee95 - 1
Training Hangs forever
#9 opened by shikunyu8 - 1
checksum error for downloaded data
#7 opened by dipendra009 - 5
speed too slow
#5 opened by lucasjinreal - 1
typo in readme
#4 opened by alexlib - 2
Training from scratch
#3 opened by logicwong