
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

PyReach - Python Client SDK for Robot Remote Control

Disclaimer: this is not an officially supported Google product.

PyReach is the Python client SDK to remotely control robots. Operator credentials will be approved by invitation only at this time

Supported Platform

Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, and gLinux.


git clone https://github.com/google-research/pyreach.git
cd pyreach

Getting Started

If build.sh runs successfully, PyReach is ready to be used. It is supported, but not required to install PyReach into the system path.

Step 1. (Only the first time) Login to the system.

cd pyreach
./reach login

# Follow the login instructions.

Step 2. Connect to a robot.

In a new shell session.

cd pyreach
./reach ls
./reach connect <robot id>

Step 3. View camera image

In a new shell session.

cd pyreach

Step 4. Run pendant tool.

In a new shell session.

cd pyreach

Step 5. Run example agent.

In a new shell session.

cd pyreach
source setenv.sh
python -m pyreach.examples.pyreach_gym_example


By default, all the client logs are saved under:



Optionally, PyReach can be installed as a pip package:

cd pyreach
pip install .

Once PyReach is installed, the command "reach", "reach-viewer", and "reach-pendant" can be access directly through command line.


To remove the PyReach pip package:

pip uninstall pyreach


If you find this open source release useful, please reference in your paper (authors listed in alphabetical order):

    author = {Wong, Adrian and Zeng, Andy and Bose, Arnab and Wahid, Ayzaan and Kalashnikov, Dmitry and Krasin, Ivan and Varley, Jake and Lee, Johnny and Tompson, Jonathan and Attarian, Maria and Florence, Pete and Baruch, Robert and Xu, Sichun and Welker, Stefan and Sindhwani, Vikas and Vanhoucke, Vincent and Gramlich, Wayne},
    title = {PyReach - Python Client SDK for Robot Remote Control},
    year = {2022},
    publisher = {GitHub},
    journal = {GitHub repository},
    howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/google-research/pyreach}},