
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

UpdateTracker Android Library project

Project Goal

Track App Updates attribution in AdWords.


Find latest version of complied library (.aar file) download here.
Right click on .aar file and select 'Save Link as...'


Copy .aar to folder /app/libs
Also in build.gradle add following entry

         dirs 'libs'  
 dependencies {  
     compile(name: 'trackerLib-release-1.0.1', ext: 'aar')  
     compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:8.3.0'  

API Calls

It has two static api methods:

  1. PingAdwordsUtil.recordRefererOnDeepLinkCall(...)
    It records referer (like gclid and other data).
    Saves the same in SharedPreferences, which is later used in onResumePingIfAppUpdate(..) call.

  2. PingAdwordsUtil.onResumePingIfAppUpdate(...)
    This method checks if app update has happened.
    If so, pings adwords to report conversion.
    It should be called at onResume(..) of app's main activity.

Also a utility android Activity 'DeepLinkTrackerActivity' is created.
Upon app update ad-click, if a deeplink is fired then DeepLinkTrackerActivity can be called.
It will store referer and forward call to playstore.
Later when PingAdwordsUtil.onResumePingIfAppUpdate(..) will be invoked, the referer will be used for adwords attribution.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Google Inc., authors, and contributors (see the AUTHORS file).
Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license (see the LICENSE file).
This is not an official Google product.