- 2
MacOS warning
#249 opened by hb-public-data - 0
#251 opened by Kazholy - 0
- 0
#248 opened by Camcam1024 - 0
- 0
#244 opened by HeadofGCMW - 3
Reference AppAuth in Package.swift
#118 opened by ChrisPearce - 2
Privacy Manifest for GTMAppAuth
#235 opened by dmaclach - 4
KeychainAttribute does not work as expected
#236 opened by olvrlrnz - 0
Link generated documentation in README
#228 opened by mdmathias - 2
V2 to V4 pod migration: GTMAppAuthFetcherAuthorization(fromKeychainForName:) replacement
#234 opened by ashokds - 2
Need of required reason API policy
#233 opened by nadun-grabtaxi - 0
how to use for tvOS
#232 opened by ywz364kf - 0
Re-enable watchOS platform in test specs
#226 opened by mdmathias - 0
#214 opened by TomasB12345 - 1
Ensure that `@objc(the_name)` for `AuthState` works with the new `KeychainStore`
#199 opened by mdmathias - 4
Add support for GTMSessionFetcher 2.x
#174 opened by paulb777 - 3
Use modern archiving and unarchiving methods in GTMAppAuthFetcherAuthorization.swift
#173 opened by mdmathias - 1
`pod lib lint` fails for watchOS on `macOS-12` runner
#187 opened by petea - 1
Stop using deprecated NSKeyedArchiver methods
#105 opened by petea - 3
Is GTMAppAuth considered OAuth OOB flow?
#156 opened by R4N - 1
iOS example not working
#120 opened by swissdude - 2
Keychain sharing not working with app extension
#95 opened by phil1995 - 0
leaving old webview prompt
#136 opened by masterofalluniverse - 2
- 1
- 2
Server Client ID for Mac auth
#114 opened by JoeyBodnar - 2
Not able to get callback on iOS app.
#104 opened by shashi-kiwi - 2
Pods/GTMAppAuth/Source/GTMAppAuthFetcherAuthorization.h:20:9: fatal error: 'GTMSessionFetcher/GTMSessionFetcher.h' file not found
#91 opened by shshell - 1
Update usage of deprecated methods
#119 opened by Idomo - 0
Google account
#111 opened by Flyboy95 - 2
- 3
Could not build Objective-C module 'GTMAppAuth'
#107 opened by hamermike - 7
App Extensions unsupported?
#87 opened by mmcguill - 0
- 1
Question: Auth without client secret?
#98 opened by CharlieReece - 0
- 1
- 3
- 4
Support Swift Package Manager
#90 opened by JonasGessner - 4
- 1
Crash: OIDURLQueryComponent.m line 117
#88 opened by andy61i - 1
- 0
Auth alert closed automatically on iOS13
#85 opened by HevenHoo - 0
Update GTMAppAuth to use AppAuth subspecs
#76 opened by jwells89 - 1
Safari does not open final step in redirect
#83 opened by SteveDCronin - 9
Is GTMAppAuth using Google+ OAuth API ?
#80 opened by mihirpmehta - 2
Getting crash on line [GTMOAuth2WindowController webView:resource:willSendRequest:redirectResponse:fromDataSource:]
#79 opened by moontecholabs - 1
AppAuth 1.0.0.beta1 support
#78 opened by andy61i - 0
Word press
#77 opened by Dithn