
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

ADH Deployment Manager

ADH Deployment Manager is a Python library which simplifies interfacing with ADH REST API by providing a convenient set of wrappers and abstractions. The library provides such capabilities as:

  • deploying ADH queries from local text files to multiple projects based on a single configuration file
  • sync queries between ADH and local storage
  • local runner for testing and prototyping
  • batch query executor
  • branching mechanism
  • job monitoring and other features

ADH Deployment Manager provides both high level interface for interacting with ADH via Deployment object and low-level by providing access to such elements as Analysys Query and Job to issue ad-hoc operations (like rerun of a particular query).

Minimal working example:

# load necessary modules
from adh_deployment_manager.authenticator import AdhAutheticator
from adh_deployment_manager.deployment import Deployment
import adh_deployment_manager.commands as commands

# provide authentication mechanism
credentials = AdhAutheticator().get_credentials("/path/to/credentials.json")
developer_key =  "INSERT_YOUR_DEVELOPER_KEY"

# instantiate deployment with config and credentials
# (and optionally path to folder where source queries are located)
deployment = Deployment(
    config = "/path/to/config.yml",
    credentials = credentials,
    developer_key = developer_key,

# deploy queries to ADH project(s)
deployer = commands.Deployer(deployment)

# run queries in ADH projects(s)
runner = commands.Runner(deployment)

Table of contents

  1. Project overview
  2. Requirements
  3. Installation
  4. Getting started
    1. Access setup
      1. (Recommended) - Authenticating as a service account
      2. OAuth 2.0 setup
    2. Create config
    3. Specify queries
      1. Add new ADH queries
      2. Use existing ADH queries
    4. Deploying and running queries

Project overview

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ADH Deployment Manager deployment consists of two elements:

  • sql folder - contains ADH queries in .sql format
  • config.yml file - specifies which queries from sql folder should be deployed alongside parameters and filtered row summary. More about config at Create Config.

Check possible structure for my_adh_project deployment below:



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The CLI tool called adm can be installed from pip:

pip install adh-deployment-manager

Getting started

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Access setup

Please follow Get started with the Ads Data Hub API to correctly setup API access to Ads Data Hub.

After you setup API access there are two options to authenticate - via service account or OAuth 2.0.

(Recommended) Authenticating as a service account

Authenticating as a service account is the recommended way of authentication for adh-deployment-manager. Please follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Log in into Google Cloud project that connected to your ADH account
  2. Create service account in your output GCP
  3. Download service account's credential (JSON format) in your local environment
  4. Assign BigQuery Admin role to the service account
  5. Generate API Key (Developer Key for ADH)
  6. Assign Analyst access role to the service account

OAuth 2.0 setup

If authenticating via service account is not possible please follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Log in into Google Cloud project that connected to your ADH account
  2. Generate OAuth 2.0 Client ID and download credentials:
    • go to API & Services - Credentials, click + CREATE CREDENTIALS and select OAuth client ID
    • Select Desktop App as application type, specify any application name and click CREATE button.
    • Click the download icon next to the credentials that you just created.
  3. Generate API Key (Developer Key for ADH)

Once adh-deployment-manager is running you will be prompted to log in into your Google account so the program can authenticate.

Create config

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config.yml is the core element of deployment. It must contain two mandatory elements:

  • customer_ids - customer_ids (either one of an array) for which queries should be deployed and/or run.
  • queries_setup - compound element which consists of query titles, parameters, filtered row summary, etc.

The minimal working example of the config with two requirement elements (customer_ids and queries_setup):

  - 123456789
  - queries:
    - query_title

Optional Elements

config.yml may contain optional elements that can be associated with all queries in queries_setup block:

  • ads_data_from - list of customer_ids to get ads data from. If the field is not included in config it will be automatically converted to a list of regular customer_ids.
  • bq_project & bq_dataset - BQ project and dataset used storing output data (specified during ADH setup)
  • date_range_setup - date range for running queries in ADH which consists of two elements: start_date and end_date in YYYY-MM-DD format (i.e., 1970-01-01). Supports template values, i.e. YYYYMMDD-10 transforms into 10 days ago from execution day.

Specifying queries and their parameters

queries_setup may contains the following elements:

  • queries - list of query titles that need to be deployed/launched in ADH. If query with specified title cannot be found in ADH, adh-deployment-manager will try to build query with such title based on provided filename in sql folder. Every query_title in queries will share the same parameters and filtered_row_summary provides for the block.

    • queries should contain at least one query_title.
    • query_title will be used to create table in BQ, so the output table will be bq_project.bq_dataset.query_title.
  • (optional) parameters - block that contains one or more parameter_name with corresponding type and values.

    • type - type of the parameter (i.e. INT64, STRING, DATE, TIMESTAMP), required field.
    • values - values used when query is suppose to run. If you provide array structure here (separated by - at each line) type of parameter will be ARRAY of type type, optional field.
  • (optional) filtered_row_summary - block that contains one or more filtered row summary column names with corresponding type and value.

    • type - type of filtered row summary (either SUM or CONSTANT)
    • value - specified only when type CONTANT is used, specifies how this metric or dimention will be named.
  • (optional) execution_mode - option to split query execution and saving results by day. Can be either normal (query is run over the start_date - end_date date range) or batch (query execution can be splitted over each day within query start_date and end_date). execution_mode can be omitted, in that case the query will be executed in normal mode

  • (optional) wait - specify whether the next query or query block should be launch only after successfull execution of the previous one. Can take two possible values: each (wait for each query in the block) or block (wait only for the last query in the block). if wait is omitted it means that query execution will be independent of the previous one.

  • (optional) replace - if a query has any placeholders (specified in {placeholder} format) that replace block should contain key: value pairs which will replace placeholders in the query text with supplied values. This can be useful when specifing bq_project and bq_dataset names. replace can be omitted, in that case no replacements will be performed.

  • (optional) date_range_setup - in case queries in a block should run over a different time period than specified in global date_range_setup you can specify these start_date and end_date here.

Example of queries_setup

The example structure of queries_setup looks like the following one:

  - queries:
      - query_title1
      - query_title2
        type: INT64
        - 1234
        - 1235
        - 1236
        type: STRING
	values: my_value
        type: DATE
        type: SUM
        type: CONSTANT
	value: my_value
    execution_mode: normal
    wait: each
      placeholder1: value1
      placeholder2: value2
      start_date: YYYYMMDD-10
      end_date: YYYYMMDD-1
  - queries:

In order to make the structure of config more clear, let's cover all elements in the example above.
queries_setup contains a query block which contains two queries (query_title1 and query_title2).

For each of these queries:

  • three parameters should be created:

    • parameter_name1 of type ARRAY of INT64 (three sample values are specified under values column; these values will be used during runtime)
    • parameter_name2 of type STRING (with a single value my_value which will be used during runtime)
    • parameter_name3 or type DATE. This parameters does not have value associated with it and should be specified during runtime (as keyword argument to a corresponding function call)
  • Filtered Row Summary should be added:

    • column metric_name will contain sum of all values filtered due to privacy checks
    • column dimension_name will contain my_value for all users filtered due to privacy checks.


  • Since start_date: YYYYMMDD-10, end_date: YYYYMMDD-1 both queries should be executed over the last 10 days period (excluding today)
  • Since execution_mode: normal when running these queries we run them from start_date to end_date period without splitting query execution by day.
  • Since wait: each we launch query_title2 only after query_title1 execution is completed.
  • Both queries contain two placeholders - placeholder1 and placeholder2. When deploying them to ADH we will replace them with value1 and value2 respectively.

Specify queries

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Add new ADH queries

If the purpose of deployment is to create queries in ADH based on source code you need to create a dedicated folder to contain these queries. By default adh-deployment-manager expectes sql folder with files containing files with .sql extension. Both queries_folder and query_file_extention could be specified when creating Deployment object.

from  adh_deployment_manager.deployment import Deployment

my_deployment = Deployment(
    config = "path/to/config.yml",
    credentials = my_credentials,
    queries_folder = "path/to/queries_folder",
    query_file_extention = ".sql"

Use Existing Queries from ADH

If the purpose of deployment is to run existing ADH queries you should omit queries_folder and queries_file_extention when creating Deployment object. Query titles in queries block should be title of the queries found in ADH UI.

from  adh_deployment_manager.deployment import Deployment

my_deployment = Deployment(
    config = "path/to/config.yml",
    credentials = my_credentials

Deploying and running queires

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ADH Deployment Manager installs adm CLI tool that allows you to simplify interaction with the library. adm accept several arguments:

  • command - one of run, deploy, update, fetch
  • subcommand - one of deploy or update
  • -c path/to/config.yml - specifies where config is located
  • -q path/to/queries_folder - specifies where folder with queries is located
  • -l path/to/output_folder - specified where queries fetched from ADH should be stored

In order to run this commands you'll need to export developer_key as environmental variable:

export ADH_DEVELOPER_KEY=<developer_key>


adm [OPTIONS] command subcommand
    -c path/to/config.yml
    -q path/to/queries_folder
    -l path/to/output_folder


Deploy queries based on config

adm -c path/to/config.yml -q path/to/queries deploy

Run queries without deployment

adm -c path/to/config.yml run

Run and update queries

adm -c path/to/config.yml -q path/to/queries run update

Fetch queries from config and store in specified location

adm -c path/to/config.yml -l path/to/output_folder fetch